A car speeds up from 65 m/s to 120m/s in 9s. What is the acceleration of the car


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An atom's valence electron shell Multiple Choice1. is filled when it has three electrons. 2. determines its chemical reactivity. 3. determines its atomic mass. 4. is filled with positively charged particles.5. is filled identically for every element.


Answer: An atom valence electron shell determines its chemical reactivity.


An atom's valence electron shell determines its chemical reactivity. The amount of electrons in the outermost shell of an atom is its valence electron and it determines how reactive the atom is.

The reactivity of an atom depends on the number of electrons in its outermost shell. Atoms that has their outermost electrons full e.g noble gases like argon, krypton etc are unreactive because there is no room for the atom to donate or accept any electron.

Elements like sodium and chlorine are reactive because they possesses 1 and 7 electrons in their outermost shell respectively as such they can donate and accept electrons making them reactive elements.

The valence electron shell of an atom determines its chemical reactivity. This is due to the role these outermost electrons play in the formation of chemical bonds. Atoms aim to achieve a stable state, typically with eight electrons in their outermost shell, through accepting, donating, or sharing electrons.

The correct answer to the multiple choice question about the atom's valence electron shell is '2. determines its chemical reactivity'. The outermost shell of an atom is known as the valence shell. This shell, holding the valence electrons, is essential in determining an atom's chemical reactivity. This is because it's the valence electrons that are engaged in the formation of chemical bonds.

Chemical reactivity refers to the ease with which an atom gains, loses, or shares electrons. Stable atoms, like helium or larger atoms with eight electrons, are less likely to participate in chemical reactions. They already have a filled valence shell. However, other atoms, those with less than eight electrons, will strive to complete their outer shell by interacting with other atoms, either accepting, donating or sharing electrons to achieve stability.

Importantly, not all elements have enough electrons to completely fill their outermost shells and so they form chemical bonds by sharing, accepting, or donating electrons to other atoms. The formation of these bonds is largely determined by what is often referred to as the 'octet rule', which states that atoms seek to fill or have eight electrons in their outermost electron shell to achieve greater stability.

For more such questions on valence electron, click on:



You are sitting in a chair on an elavator. The elavator accelerates downward, you and the chair land on the cround with the chair landing first and then you on the chair.Explain the Net Forces at 3 points for each object

The points are: Before the Elevator Accelerates Downward, In Freefall, At Impact

Analyze whether the Normal Force would need to increase, and where the direction of the net force is for each object.






Why are the largest craters we find on the Moon and Mercury so much larger than the largest craters we find on the Earth



Because Moon and Mars has no atmosphere.


Moon and Mars has no atmosphere, so there is no friction on the falling object due to the atmosphere. The speed of the falling object is more at Moon and Mars.

When a small object impact on the surface of moon or Mars with high speed, the size of crater is large than the earth as out earth has atmosphere.

Final answer:

The largest craters on the Moon and Mercury are larger than those on Earth due to the Moon's and Mercury's geological inactivity, absence of substantial atmosphere, and lower frequency of erosional and tectonic processes. These conditions preserve the craters and allow for the conjecture of an impact origin of these features, as well as provide valuable clues into the historical events of the solar system.


The reason why the largest craters on the Moon and Mercury are much larger than the largest craters on Earth is primarily due to their geological and atmospheric differences. Both the Moon and Mercury are geologically inactive and lack substantial atmospheres. This means that their surfaces are not subjected to the same level of erosional processes present on Earth, like wind and water erosion, or tectonic activities that could erase or alter the appearance of craters over time.

Another important aspect is related to the frequency and scale of impact events. Crater formation rates on the Moon or Mercury can be estimated from the number of craters currently observable or from known quantities of existing cosmic debris (comets and asteroids), which can serve as potential projectiles. Given the extended geological timescales, large crater-forming impacts are relatively rare, occurring at a greater timescale than human history.


Furthermore, the size and shape of these craters often indicate an impact origin, as first proposed by prominent geologist Grove K. Gilbert in the 1890s. High velocity impacts result in explosive events that generate craters much larger than the size of the impacting body itself. Therefore, the size of lunar and Mercurian craters, as well as their count, can provide valuable insights into the history of our solar system.

Learn more about Craters on Moon and Mercury here:



The second law of thermodynamics states that whenever energy changes occur, __________ always increases.


The second law of thermodynamics states that whenever energy changes occur, DISORDER always increases.

Final answer:

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that entropy, which represents the disorder or randomness in a system, always increases when energy changes occur. An example would be heat dispersing from a hot drink into the environment.


The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that whenever energy changes occur, entropy always increases. Entropy refers to the degree of disorder or randomness in a system. Thus, the law is essentially asserting that natural processes tend towards chaos or disorder. For example, if we consider a cup of hot coffee left on a table, with time, the heat (energy) from the coffee disperses into the surrounding environment, leading to an increase in entropy. This concept applies universally in closed systems, where energy cannot enter or leave.

Learn more about Second Law of Thermodynamics here:



What is the magnitude of the force a 1.5 x 10-3 C charge exerts on a 3.2 x 10-4 C charge located 1.5 m away?


The magnitude of the force a 1.5 x 10-3 C charge exerts on a 3.2 x 10-4 C charge located 1.5 m away is 1920 Newtons. The formula used to solve this problem is:

F = kq1q2/r^2

F = Electric force, Newtons
k = Coulomb's constant, 9x10^9 Nm^2/C^2
q1 = point charge 1, C
q2 = point charge 2, C
r = distance between charges, meters

Using direct substitution, the force F is determined to be 1920 Newtons.

1. I drop a penny from the top of the tower at the front of Fort Collins High School and it takes 1.85 seconds to hit the ground. Calculate the velocity in m/s after 1.10 seconds of freefall and calculate the velocity at impact in mi/hr.


The acceleration of gravity on Earth is  9.8 m/s² .
The speed of a falling object keeps increasing smoothly,
in such a way that the speed is always 9.8 m/s faster than
it was one second earlier.

If you 'drop' the penny, then it starts out with zero speed. 
If you also start the clock at the same instant, then

         After  1.10 sec,  Speed = (1.10 x 9.8) = 10.78 meters/sec

         After  1.85 sec,  Speed = (1.85 x 9.8) = 18.13 meters/sec

But you want this second one given in a different unit of speed.
OK then:

     =  (18.13 meter/sec) x (3,600 sec/hr) x (1 mile/1609.344 meter)

     =    (18.13 x 3,600 / 1609.344)  (mile/hr)  =  40.56 mph  (rounded)

We did notice that in an apparent effort to make the question
sound more erudite and sophisticated, you decided to phrase
it in terms of 'velocity'.  We can answer it in those terms, if we
ASSUME that there is no wind, and the penny therefore doesn't
acquire any horizontal component of motion on its way down.

With that assumption in force, we are able to state unequivocally
and without fear of contradiction that each 'speed' described above ...
with the word 'downward' appended to it ... does become a 'velocity'.