What two things do plants produce?


Answer 1
Answer: Plants produce glucose and oxygen as us humans need.
Answer 2
Answer: well plants produce food and seeds 

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The force of gravity = GMm / r^2, where G is gravitational constant, M is mass of one object, m is mass of another object, r is distance between them.

So, mass of objects affect gravity as well as the distance between the two objects.
Distance and mass affect gravity. If an object has a greater mass, it's gravitational pull will be stronger. And if an object is further away from the one that is exhorting the gravitational pull, then the gravitational pull on the object will be weaker than on closer objects.

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The flat area surrounding the mouth of the Mississippi River is covered with rich sediments important to farming in this area. These sediments are deposited at a rate of 80,000 tons per year. This area surrounding Mississippi River is called the



A) Delta.


The options of this question are the next ones:

A) delta. B) plains. C) plateau. D) low lands.

The flat area surrounding the mouth of the mississippi river is known as Delta, or the Delta Basin of the Mississippi river, and the entire area was formed over the curse of 5,000 years by the deposition when the sediments are being put into this delta.

commonly referred to as the Mississippi River DELTA. technically, it's an estuary.

Humid air is a better electrical conductor than dry air. Explain why you are most likely to receive a shock after walking across a carpet when the air is dry than when the air is humid.


The carpet is more likely to accumulate excess electric charge (static electricity) over time when there is no good way for it discharge. The dry air, as was said, insulates the carpet and makes it prone to such accumulation. This is less the case with humid air that allows the carpet to continuously discharge a portion of its electric charge over time and thus spares us--the walkers--a minor shock.

Final answer:

Dry air is a better electrical conductor than humid air, which is why you are more likely to receive a shock after walking across a carpet when the air is dry compared to when the air is humid.


The reason you are more likely to receive a shock after walking across a carpet when the air is dry than when the air is humid is because dry air is a better electrical conductor than humid air. When the air is dry, it has a lower field strength, meaning that it takes a smaller voltage to create a spark. On the other hand, humid air breaks down at a lower field strength, so it takes a larger voltage to create a spark. This is why you are more likely to get a shock on a dry day.

Learn more about Electrical Conduction here:



The gravitational attraction between two objects will ________if one object acquires more mass


The gravitational force between two objects is proportional to the
product of their two masses.  So if either object acquires more mass,
the magnitude of the gravitational attraction between them increases.

Here is a translation of the same statement, into simple English:

If you are on Earth, and your mass increases because you ate a lot,
then your weight will increase.