_________ are devices that move atomic nuclei at extremely high speeds


Answer 1
Answer: Particle accelerators are devices that move atomic nuclei at extremely high speeds.

♡♡Hope I helped!!! :)♡♡
Answer 2
Answer: Particle Accelerators are the devices that move atomic nuclei at extremely high speeds. This device uses electromagnetic fields  to propel charged particles to high speeds.

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The power rating on the motor is the maximum power it's ABLE to deliver. It can run with LESS power output than the rating, but if you try to run it with MORE than it's rated, the motor will overheat and eventually burn out.

" 10 watts " means " 10 Joules of enrgy per second ".

If the motor is operated at its full maximum rated capacity, then

(500 joules) / (10 joules/sec) = 50 seconds

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Because all protons are the same, all neutrons are the same, and all electrons are the same, and all atoms of all elements are made of them, so the smallest particles of every element are the same particles.  It's only when some number of them get together and make an atom that the properties of an element begin to show up.

Let me try it like this, and see if this does anything for you:

All buildings are made of brick, cement, wood, glass, pipes, wires, etc.
But all bricks are the same, all cement is the same, all glass is the same, etc.
Houses, stores, shacks, skyscrapers, and hunting lodges are all made of them.
You don't know what kind of building you have, until some brick, some cement,
some wood and some glass all get put together.

Similarly, you don't know what kind of atom ... of what element ...you have, until
some protons, some neutrons, and some electrons get put together

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Your weight would be reducing over time on your way from Earth towards the moon.

And right on the Moon, your weight would reduce to one sixth of the value it was on the Earth.
your weight would get way less if you are on the moon you will weigh 1/6th of how much you weigh now so if you were 60 pounds on earth then you would be 10 pounds on the moon. you would also be able to jump really high

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Because the force of gravity is different for both of these objects, they will not fall at the same rate. To make both of these fall at the same rate, we need both to have the same mass so that the gravitational pull is equivalent also. 
They will NOT fall at the same late.
A ball will fall much faster than a feather. A feather tends to float down, much as a ball, it immediately drops. 

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Bowling ball would be your answer since it has the most mass.
A wiffleball because it's smaller

Which has more inertia a shopping cart full of groceries or an empty shopping cart


Ok, so you would want to define inertia before trying to answer the question. Inertia is basically the force of resistance on an object, or any change to its speed, because of natural factors, like friction or gravity. The shopping carts decribed above, based upon the definition of inertia, the shopping cart full of groceries would have more inertia.

Final answer:

Inertia is a property of an object that resists changes in motion, and its quantity is directly proportional to the object's mass. Therefore, a shopping cart full of groceries, having a greater mass, will exhibit more inertia than an empty shopping cart.


In physics, inertia refers to the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion. The greater an object's mass, the greater its inertia, making it harder to start or stop its movement. In comparing a shopping cart full of groceries and an empty one, the cart full of groceries will have a higher mass, thus a greater inertia.

Consider an experiment where you exert the same amount of force on both carts. The full cart would be more resistant to change in motion and would move slower or a shorter distance than the empty one due to the higher inertia it possesses.

The same principle can be applied to a group of students using two carts (A and B) for a one-dimensional collision experiment. Cart B with unknown mass is initially at rest while cart A with known mass moves towards it. Since mass directly influences inertia, if cart B was loaded with materials (like a shopping cart full of groceries), it would be harder to shift its motion than if it were empty.

Learn more about Inertia here:

