What are two ways that the Earth's atmosphere is important to life on Earth?


Answer 1
1).  It has oxygen in it, of which we need a steady supply
in order to stay alive.

2).  It has pressure, which prevents us from boiling away
and blowing up like balloons.

Answer 2
Answer: It keeps objects from easily reaching the surface and destroying earth it also locks in heat

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How can you calculate distance when given power, time, and mass?Power used to lift crate is 3490, mass of crate is 425 kg, time is 3 seconds. How far was the crate lifted?


First step:         Power = (work done) / (time to do the work).

                 3490 watts = (work done) / (3 seconds)

     3490 joules/second = (work done) / (3 seconds)

Multiply each side by 3 seconds:

     Work done = (3490 x 3) joules  =  10,470 joules 

Second step:       Weight = (mass) x (gravity)

                 Weight of the crate = (425 kg) x (9.8 m/s²)

                                              =  4165 newtons

Step 3:     Work done  =  (force) x (distance)

                                 =  (weight) x (distance lifted)

            10,470 joules  =  (4165 newtons) x (distance)

Divide each side by 4165 newtons:

       Distance = 10,470 kg-m²/sec² / 4165 kg-m/s²

                     =        2.514... meters  (rounded)

You asked:  "How can you calculate ... ?"
Notice that I did the same thing in all 3 steps ... write down the formula
for finding a quantity, then write the numbers you know into the formula
to find the quantity. 

THAT's "how", and it all boils down to knowing the formulas and picking
the right one to work with.  The right one to pick is the one that talks about
all (or most) of the quantities that you know AND the quantity that you're
trying to find. 

For example, if you need to find how long it will take your turtle to walk
across the room, then you need a formula that talks about time, speed,
and distance.  You would not get much help from the formula that talks
about the pressure and volume of a gas, or one that talks about the
frequency and wavelength of light waves, or Einstein's formula  E=mc² 
for the equivalency of mass and energy.

a truck with a mass of 1150 kg and a velocity of 13 m/s collided into a parked car with a mass velocity does the car move forward after the collision





The truck has momentum since it is moving and momentum is a product of mass and velocity. After impact, part of momentum that the truck had is transferred to the car hence the car initially at rest moves a significant diatance. Here, we utilize the formula MV= (m+M)v where M and V represent mass and velocity of the truck while m is the mass of car, v is the common velocity. Note that some letters are capital while others small, don't confuse these.

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tectonic plates is the unscrambled phrase in that jumble.

What's the Coulomb's law?


In layman's term:
like charges don't attract while opposite charges doelectrostatic forces between point A( which is charged) and point B (which is also charged) are proportional to the charge of point A and point B. there is also something else about this  law that I don't quite remember.


Here is the formula:

F = k x Q1 x Q2/d^2

What the formula means:

F=force between charges

Q1 and Q2= amount of charge

d=distance between these two charges

k= Coulombs constant (proportionally constant)


I think that about covers it and hopefully this helped.

Coulomb's law states that if you place two particles of respective charges q_1,q_2 at a distance d from each other, one will exert the following force on the other :

\vec{F}=k(q_1q_2)/(d^2)\vec{u} where \vec{u} is a unit vector from the first charge to the other and k is a positive constant.

A direct consequence of this is that two charges of same sign repel each other, while two charges of opposite signs attract each other.

What would be the effect of loss of biodiversity in an ecosytem


the organisms may die and it could really harm the environment that we live in. as much as we would not like to admit it we need them as much as they need us

Write in powers of 10 notation: 3 trillion; five-thousandths; 730,000,000,000,000; 0.000000000082.


The numbers in power of 10 notation would be :

3 trillion is expressed as 3 ×  10¹².

Five-thousandths (0.005) are expressed as 5 × 10⁻³.

730,000,000,000,000 is expressed as 7.3 × 10¹⁴.

0.000000000082 is expressed as 8.2 × 10⁻¹¹.

3 trillion:

In standard form: 3,000,000,000,000

In powers of 10 notation: 3 × 10¹²

Explanation: In this number, 3 is multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 12, indicating that it is 3 followed by 12 zeros. This notation is particularly useful when dealing with very large numbers like the national debt or astronomical distances.

Five-thousandths (0.005):

In standard form: 0.005

In powers of 10 notation: 5 × 10⁻³

Explanation: Here, 5 is multiplied by 10 raised to the power of -3, indicating that it is 5 divided by 1,000 (10³). This notation helps represent fractions or very small quantities.


In standard form: 730,000,000,000,000

In powers of 10 notation: 7.3 × 10¹⁴

Explanation: In this case, 7.3 is multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 14, indicating that it is 7.3 followed by 14 zeros. This notation simplifies the expression of extremely large numerical values.


In standard form: 0.000000000082

In powers of 10 notation: 8.2 × 10⁻¹¹

Explanation: Here, 8.2 is multiplied by 10 raised to the power of -11, indicating that it is 8.2 divided by 100 billion (10¹¹). This notation is useful when working with very small decimal fractions, such as in scientific measurements.

Powers of 10 notation with superscripts provides a clear and concise way to represent numbers across a wide range of scales, from the macroscopic to the microscopic, making it a fundamental concept in scientific notation.

For more such information on:notation



3 trillion= 3X10^12
5 thousanths= 5X10^-3
730000000000000= 7.3X10^14
0.000000000082= 8.2X10^-11