A pea plant is heterozygous for height (Tt). Which allele will be carried by a pollen grain produced by the plant?  A.T only  B.only  C.T and t  D.T or t


Answer 1
Answer: It depends on the dominancy of the genes. If T is dominant, then the plant will grow taller and if t is dominant, then the plant will grow as dwarf. So, I think the correct option is C. T or t.
Answer 2


The correct answer would be option D. T or t.

It can be explained with the help of the law of segregation.

This law states that alleles for each gene are randomly segregated into the gametes such that each gamete carries only a single copy of each allele.

Hence, if a parent cell contains T and t alleles so, T and t will randomly segregate into pollen grains (gametes).

It will result in the formation of two types of pollen grains or gametes each having an equal chance of inheriting T as well as t.

So, we can say that pollen grain produced by the plant (Tt) can carry either T or t in it.

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it depends on how many points out of how many points you had to get the 87.29%

But I think your grade is a B....

89.95% and up = A
79.95% to 89.94% = B
69.95% to 79.94% = C

so yeah

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The biggest difference is that hurricanes need a warm moist water to keep on going and never forms over land, while thunderstorms can form over land or water. Tornadoes are also associated with cumulonimbus clouds.


A hurricane is a swirling, low-pressure system that develops over the tropics with sustained winds that have reached at least 74 miles per hour.

Warm, moist air near the ocean's surface rises upward, cools, and condenses, forming clouds. With less air than before at the surface, the pressure drops there. Because air tends to move from high to low pressure, moist air from surrounding areas flows inward toward the low-pressure spot, creating winds. This air is warmed by the ocean's heat and the heat released from condensation, so it rises. This starts a process of warm air rising and forming clouds and surrounding air swirling in to take its place. Before long, you have a system of clouds and winds that begins to rotate as a result of the Coriolis effect, a type of force that causes rotational or cyclonic weather systems.

Hurricanes are the most dangerous when there is a big storm surge, which is a wave of seawater that floods communities. Some surges can reach depths of 20 feet and sweep away homes, cars, and even people.

A thunderstorm is produced by a cumulonimbus cloud, or thunderhead, that includes rain showers, lightning, and thunder.

They start when the sun heats the earth's surface and warms the layer of air above it. This warmed air rises and transfers heat to the upper levels of the atmosphere. As the air travels upward, it cools and the water vapor contained within it condenses to form liquid cloud droplets. As air continually travels aloft in this way, the cloud grows upward in the atmosphere, eventually reaching altitudes where the temperature is below freezing. Some of the cloud droplets freeze into ice particles, while others remain "supercooled." When these collide, they pick up electric charges from one another; when enough of those collisions happen, the big buildup of charge discharges, creating lightning.

Thunderstorms are most hazardous when rain decreases visibility, hail falls, lightning strikes or tornadoes develop.

help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What is the dew point? A. The time of day when gas condenses. B. The density at which a gas evaporates. C. The temperature at which a gas condenses. D. The temperature at which a gas deposits.


your answer is C. it is temp where water vapours start to condense and forms liquid droplet from vapour condition.

hope it helps. please mark for best answer if you liked it.

It's C if you're doing this from ap3x

Your gender, whether you are male or female, is determined by theA) X or Y chromosomes, inherited from father.
B) X or Y chromosomes, inherited from your mother.
C) two of the 22 pairs of chromosomes your inherited.
D) chromosomes from your mother and X from your father.


The answer is A. Females chromosomes are XX, males are XY. So from your mother you will get an X no matter what and it depends on whether you get an X or a Y from your father :) sorry this is late :)


The correct answer would be option A.

In humans, the gender of a child is mainly determined by the sex chromosome inherited from the father.

It is because human females are homozygous (XX) in terms of sex chromosome. So, their gamete will always contain an X chromosome.

In contrast, human males are heterozygous, that is, they contain XY as sex chromosome. Thus, they will produce two types of gametes of which one would contain X and the other one would contain Y.

When the male gamete containing X chromosome fuse with female gamete, the offspring produce would be a girl and when the male gamete containing Y chromosome fuse with female gamete, the offspring produce would be a boy.

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