Acupuncture is an alternative medicine that uses wire-thin needles inserted by a trained practitioner into specific points in the body. This ancient form of pain relief and stimulation is said to benefit patients by blocking channels which practitioners claim allow pain to travel within the body. This practice became more widely recognized and used after a New York Times reporter wrote in 1971 of a positive experience with it after surgery. Those who doubt the effectiveness of this treatment for pain attribute the pain relief to a placebo effect: if a patient believes something will reduce


Answer 1


if a patient believes something will reduce their pain, they will experience some relief.


Acupuncture was already considered an esoteric technique, since it was based on a little deep knowledge, where the patient's conviction that his pain would be diminished provided a relief from the inconvenience, but acupuncture was recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a and was also listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Answer 2
Answer: If a patient believes something will reduce, their minds cause their bodies to take that reduction into effect.

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Your Welcome! :D

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b. desensitizing.
c. nurturing.
d. habituation.


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The events of fertilization must occur in a specific sequence because it is a highly ordered process. Demonstrate your understanding of the proper event order by identifying the correct numerical order for these statements. Put the correct number on the blank in front of each statement. _____Semen is ejaculated into the vagina.
_____Prostate gland adds a fluid that protects the sperm.
_____Cell membrane changes electrical characteristics, causing cortical reaction.
_____Sperm migrate through cervix and into uterus.
_____Bulbourethral glands add a fluid that protect sperm from acidic conditions in the urethra.
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_____Seminal vesicles add a fluid that provides a source of energy for active sperm.
_____Acrosome releases enzymes that break down outer layer of egg’s membrane.
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_____Sperm encounter oocyte in oviduct (fallopian tube).
_____Sperm travel through the vas deferens to the seminal vesicles.



The correct sequence would be:

__1__Sperm is produced in the testes and stored in the epididymis.

__2__Sperm travel through the vas deferens to the seminal vesicles.

__3_Seminal vesicles add a fluid that provides a source of energy for active sperm.

__4__Bulbourethral glands add a fluid that protect sperm from acidic conditions in the urethra.

__5__Prostate gland adds a fluid that protects the sperm.

__6__Muscles at the base of the bladder contract, forcing semen through the urethra.

__7__Semen is ejaculated into the vagina.

__8__Sperm migrate through cervix and into uterus.

__9__Sperm encounter oocyte in oviduct (fallopian tube).

__10_Acrosome releases enzymes that break down outer layer of egg’s membrane.

__11_Cell membrane changes electrical characteristics, causing cortical reaction.

__12_Male and female chromosomes congregate, restoring the diploid (2n) number.

Fertilization is the process by which gametes of the male and female fuse with each other to form a zygote. In humans, it takes place inside the female body.

The events can be categorized as:

Pre-fertilization events: Sperm (or semen) in male and egg in the female is produced in testes (in males) and ovary (if females) respectively. Accessory glands such as seminal vesicle, bulbourethral, and prostate glands help in the formation of sperm in males.

Coitus: During this semen from a male is ejaculated into the vagina of a female with the help of erectile penis.

The semen then passes through the cervix to reach the uterus.

Fertilization: Four events take place to cause successful fertilization; sperm preparation (capacitation followed by acrosomal reaction), binding, a fusion of plasma membranes of sperm and egg, cortical reaction and activation of the egg.

Post-fertilization events: The zygote undergoes cleavage process to mature into an embryo.

 these types of cells are found in the reproductive organs and are called [germ/ somatic ]cells


The types of cells which are found n the reproductive organs of humans are known as germ cells.

Which types of cell divisions are performed by germ cells?

The types of cell divisions that are performed by germ cells are known as meiosis and mitosis. Meiosis is a type of cell division through which produces four haploid daughter cells that are not identical to their parents.

Germ cells are responsible for the production of gametes. This involves the differentiation of germ cells in order to produce male and female gametes. These cells are sometimes known as immortal because they are thought be assemble a linkage between generations.

Somatic cells are those cells that are responsible for the building blocks of the entire body. These somatic cells are only divided by mitosis.

Therefore, germ cells are the types of cells that are found in the reproductive organs.

To learn more about Germ cells, refer to the link:





i learned about them

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