5. What do you call a word that emphasizes the importance of the antecedent? A. reflexive pronoun B. intensive pronoun C. verb D. personal pronoun


Answer 1
Answer: "Intensive pronoun" is the one among the following choices given in the question that you call a word that emphasizes the importance of the antecedent. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option or option "B". I hope the answer has helped you.
Answer 2


Intensive pronoun ( B )


An intensive pronoun is used to emphasize the importance of an antecedent. while an Antecedent is an expression that gives meaning to something that has existed before or precedes another ( also known as a Proform ). An intensive pronoun is used to emphasize on such expression such that it gives the expression a clearer meaning and understanding to the reader of the sentence in which the context is found. Example of such pronoun in a sentence is : Paul missed his flight because he overslept last night. from this sentence he is the intensive pronoun while Paul is the antecedent of he in the sentence.

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Which salutation for a business letter is correct? A. Dear Mayor Cortez— B. Dear Mayor Cortez: C. Dear Mayor Cortez, D. Dear Mayor Cortez


In general B is correct.  For example, you would use this if you are asking Mayor Cortez to add a speed limit sign on your street.
If you are writing a social business letter e.g inviting Mayor Cortez to your house for tea, you may use C.


In general B is correct.  For example, you would use this if you are asking Mayor Cortez to add a speed limit sign on your street.


If you are writing a social business letter e.g inviting Mayor Cortez to your house for tea, you may use C.


Which verb form correctly completes the sentence? Is the verb singular or plural? The batteries in our cell phones __________ to charge.
a. need, singular
b. needs, plural
c. needs, singular
d. need, plural


Thebatteries in our cell phones need to charge. 
The verbis singular since the noun used ‘batteries’ is plural. 
Verbsare simply known as the ‘action’ words – may it be mental, physical ormechanical. When verbs are paired with auxiliaries (helping verbs), they areknown as verb phrase. These helping verbs always go first before the actualverb. Perfecttenses serves a portraying the verb or the action word as something thatalready happened or is completed, thus the term ‘perfect’. If it is presentperfect tense, it means that the action was already done relatively to thepresent (has/have with past participle). If it is past perfect tense, action isalready finished relatively to the past (had with past participle and if it isfuture perfect tense, action is complete relatively to the future (will havewith past participle
D. Need, Plural

It is plural because it is talking about more than one subject (batteries).

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a.the school where my cousin attends
b.where my cousin attends
c.attends is two blocks away
d.two blocks away


b.where my cousin attends

An example.
Mushrooms, which come in many varieties, can be expensive.

Adjectiveclauses modify the noun or the pronoun in the sentence's main clause.The first thing to do is to identify the two clauses in the sentence.

First clause: Those may enter the park (the main clause)
Second clause: whose tickets have been punched (the subordinate clause)

Sinceadjective clauses generally start with a relative pronoun, it is clearthat the second clause is the adjective clause. The relative pronoun is"which". Another clue is that adjective clauses are always thesubordinate clause. It modifies the pronoun those.

Your most reliable answer is B

To decrease an amount by 42% , multiply by ????


Final answer:

To decrease an amount by 42%, you multiply by the remainder percentage which is 58%, or as a decimal, 0.58. This principle works no matter the original quantity. If the requirement was to increase a quantity, the formula (1 + percentage) times the original amount is used.


To decrease an amount by 42%, you multiply by the remainder percentage. The percentage left is 100% - 42% = 58%. Expressing this as a decimal factor, we get 0.58. So, to reduce an amount by 42%, you multiply by 0.58. This works for any quantity, whether it's a price, income, etc.

For example, if you have an original quantity of 100, to reduce it by 42%, you would multiply 100 by 0.58 which results in 58. So, a reduction of 42% brings the total down to 58.

Note: This is the basic principle of applying a percentage decrease. If you wanted to increase a quantity by a certain percentage, you would use the formula (1 + percentage) times the original amount.

Learn more about Percentage Decrease here:



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Even with modern capabilities, famine is still a threat today.