Which formula represents an unsaturated hydrocarbon? Picture IHow many pairs of electrons are shared between the two nitrogen atoms? Picture II

Which formula represents an unsaturated hydrocarbon? Picture I How many - 2


Answer 1

1. Option C, unsaturated compounds are those which have multiple bonds (double, triple bonds between carbon atoms). Among the given, only C has double bond between Carbon atoms hence unsaturated compound.

2. Option A, there is only one pair of electrons between nitrogen atoms . One single covalent bond between two Nitrogen atoms by two electrons or one electron pair.

Answer 2
Answer: Unsaturated hydrocarbon: C because there is C=C in the molecule
1 pair of electrons

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A molecule of an organic compound contains at least one atom of(1) carbon (3) nitrogen
(2) chlorine (4) oxygen


Answer: (1) carbon

Explanation: Organic compounds are those compounds which contains a carbon atom. Nearly all organic compounds contain hydrogen and some of the organic compounds contain oxygen. Example: Glucose(C_6H_(12)O_6), Methane (CH_4)

Inorganic compounds are those compounds which do not contain a carbon atom. Example : NaCl

Final answer:

An organic compound, by definition, must contain at least one carbon atom. Other elements such as nitrogen, chlorine, and oxygen can also be part of organic compounds, but they're not a requirement. An example of an organic compound is methane, which contains one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. The correct option is 1.


An organic compound is a type of molecule characterized by its carbon-based structure. By definition, an organic compound contains at least one carbon atom, which is option (1) in your question.

Although organic compounds can also contain atoms of nitrogen, chlorine, oxygen, and several other elements, these are not a requisite  for a compound to be considered organic. The key component, fundamentally speaking, is carbon.

For instance, methane (CH4) is an example of an organic compound. It includes one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms.

On the other hand, carbon dioxide (CO2), which contains one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms, is not considered an organic compound, even though it contains carbon, because it doesn't contain any carbon-hydrogen bonds, which are typically found in organic compounds.The correct option is 1.

Learn more about Organic Compounds here:



Which factors affect a river's load?a.
river’s slope
streambed shape
volume of flow
all of the above


To answer the question that is: "which factors affect a river's load", we have to understand that all the things mentioned are important. All these options (river's slope, streambed shape and volume of flow) affect the amount of energy that the river has to spend and the way the river spend that energy, so, it is right to mark the alternative d) all of the above.


Option (D)


The river load is defined as the materials such as rock fragments, stones, sediments and other types of particles, which are carried by the river during its flowing stage. These particles are generally considered as the load.

A load of a river is often affected by the slope of the river, the shape of the river bed and the volume of water flow.

The slope of the river plays an essential role as the higher the slope, the higher will be the flow rate and more amount of sediments and rock fragments will be transported by the river.

The narrow type of rivers are generally faster and carries a larger amount of sediments in comparison to a broad river channel. Again, the more the volume of water flow in any river, the more it has the capacity to pick sediments and transports them from one place to another.

The lighter particles generally flow in suspension or solution, and the coarser particles are carried either by rolling, sliding and saltation process.

Hence, the correct answer is option (D).

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How does a lithium cation compare to a lithium atom?


Hi Destromceler!

A lithium cation ion is smaller than a lithium atom. In lithium cation it has lost electrons, which causes the remaining electrons to be pulled in stronger by the positive charge in the nucleus. As they get closer to the nucleus decreases the overall size of the atom.

The bigger they are (the more electrons it has) the less effective the proton's pull will be. So if we were talking about a lithium anion (where electrons are gained) then it would be bigger than a lithium atom.


Lithium cation and Lithium atom can be compared as follow;

1) Charge:

              The charge on Lithium atom is zero means, it has same number of protons and electrons. Hence, the nert effect is cancelled out and the atom gets zero charge.

               On the other hand, Lithium cation is formed when it looses one electron. Therefore, the number of protons are greater by one number as compared to number of electrons resulting in the formation of +1 charge as shown below,

                                                Li    →    Li⁺¹  +  e⁻

2) Size:

           Secondly, Lithium atom has greater size as compared to Lithium cation because due to presence of greater number of protons compared to electrons in Lithium cation the nuclear charge appears to be greater as compared to neutral atom hence, pulling the valence electrons more effectively making the lithium cation smaller in size as compared to neutral atom.

3) Reactivity:

                     We can also compare the reactivity of both species. The neutral will be more reactive than the charged atom because it is containing one valence electron and can donate it when ever it comes in contact with non-metals.

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