To break a chemical bond, energy must be(1) absorbed (2) destroyed (3) produced (4) released


Answer 1

Answer: 1) absorbed


As a chemical bond is formed either by transfer of electrons or sharing of electrons, in order to break the forces of attraction among atoms, energy must be absorbed.

Energy is produced or released when  a chemical bond is formed.

Energy is never destroyed, it converts from one form to another.

Answer 2

To break a chemical bond, energy must be \boxed{\left( 1 \right){\text{ absorbed}}}.

Further explanation:

The attraction existing between atoms and molecules that facilitate the formation of various chemical compounds is termed as a chemical bond. It is formed either due to electron transference or by electron sharing between the bonded atoms. The chemical bond formed as a result of electron transfer from one atom to another is known as an ionic bond. The bond formed by the mutual sharing of electrons is called a covalent bond.

Endothermic process

The basic meaning of “endo” is “in”. These processes need energy from the surroundings, generally in the form of heat. Photosynthesis, evaporation of water, sublimation of dry ice, and melting of ice are some of the examples of endothermic processes.

Exothermic process

The general meaning of “exo” is “out”. These processes release energy from the system to the surroundings in the form of heat. Combustion of fuels, thermite reactions, nuclear reactions, and neutralization reactions are some examples of exothermic processes.

Since bond breaking is an endothermic reaction, energy must be supplied or absorbed from the surroundings to the system. Therefore, option (1) is the correct answer.

Learn more:

  1. Which of these is an extensive property?
  2. Which of the phase changes is an exothermic change?

Answer details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Chemical reactions

Subject: Chemistry

Keywords: chemical bond, ionic bond, covalent bond, exothermic, endothermic, in, out, heat, photosynthesis, melting of ice, thermite reactions, neutralization reactions.

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got it right on assignment

Answer: A, C and D

Explanation: For me it was D a well as of edge 2022. Hope this help!

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B) the atmosphere


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