Doesn't hydrogen have one energy level assuming that we only have one electron and not an ion?


Answer 1
Answer: It may have one occupied energy level at a time since it only has one electron, but overall it has several energy levels.
Answer 2
Answer: Yes, Hydrogen has one energy level, (an S sub-level that can fill up to two electrons).

The only other confusing thing about Hydrogen I can think of, is that you will almost never find it existing as a single Hydrogen, but as H2....

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Which type of solar radiation is the most powerful?



The type of solar radiation that is the most powerful is the Ultraviolet Radiation.


Ultraviolet Radiation is the radiation that has the shortest wavelength (360 nanometers), which carries a lot of energy and interferes with molecular bonds. Especially those less than 300 nanometers, which can alter DNA molecules, very important for life. These waves are absorbed by the upper part of the atmosphere, especially by the ozone layer.

The damage that ultraviolet rays can cause to humans include effects on the skin such as irritation, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, spots and cancer; also possible conditions at the ocular level and can trigger systemic lupus erythematosus.

The most powerful type of solar radiation is known as gamma radiation.

Gamma radiation consists of high-energy photons and is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. It has the highest frequency and shortest wavelength among the various types of solar radiation, which include gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, visible light, infrared (IR) radiation, and radio waves. Gamma radiation is generated by nuclear reactions, such as those occurring in the core of the Sun and in other high-energy processes in the universe. Due to its high energy, gamma radiation can penetrate deeply into matter and has the potential to cause ionization and damage to living cells.

Therefore, it is important to limit exposure to gamma radiation and take appropriate safety precautions when working with radioactive materials or in environments with high levels of gamma radiation.

Learn more about solar radiation here:

#SPJ 6

The first pesticides relied on natural chemicals, such as those taken from chrysanthemum flowers.a. True
b. False




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