Which information would best be shown on a bar graph?A) The amount of money raised by each class in a bake sale

B) The change in the amount of money spent by teens over the last five years

C) The percentage of students participating in various school clubs

D) How many more students ride the bus now than in 1990


Answer 1

A would be the best answer.

Letter B and D could also be read on a bar graph, however not so intuitively. They both are interested in differences - data that could be obtained by taking subtracting the values of one column from another. While bar graphs should be used to show measurable pure values (amounts).

Letter C graph would be best shown in other types of graphs, more ideal for percentages. Like a pizza graph, for example.

Answer 2
Answer: A would be the best information because you have distinct y and x values. Money and different classes. 

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John Paul Jones was a sailor. The predicate noun in this sentence is sailor.

The predicate noun, also known as a predicate nominative, is a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb (in this case, "was") and renames or identifies the subject. In this sentence, "John Paul Jones" is the subject, and "sailor" is the predicate noun that identifies his occupation.

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I need a metaphor explaining heavy rain falling from the sky for a short story


The rain pounds the ground like the a marching band pounding drumbs.

TRUE or FALSE. The first read through for subject content is to simply identify what you do and do not know.


I believe it is true. Close reading is when you read an article multiple times to get all the details, so reading it just once gives you the main idea of what the story is about and helps you understand if you already have all the knowledge being given. :)

True is the answer for ur question

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b. setting
c. costumes
d. dialogue



d. Dialogue


The dramatic element that moves the plot forward in a play is the dialogue. Without dialogue there's no play. The rest of the elements: narration, setting, and costumes are a complement to the development of the play.

Dialogue is the element that moves the plot forward in a play.

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hyperbole because its over exaggerating

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b. heat
c. density
d. current


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "A. Salt." The term haline refers to salt. I assume that the word haline is just a typographical error. The word should be 'saline.' Saline refers to salt.



