Which describes a legal means southern whites used to prevent blacks from voting in the post-Reconstruction era? A.
poll tax



income tax


Answer 1
Answer: "poll tax" describes a legal means southern whites used to prevent blacks from voting in the post-Reconstruction era but there were other means as well.
Answer 2
Answer: A legal means southern whites used to prevent blacks from voting in the post-Reconstruction era was poll tax.

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c) uniting several northern antislavery groups .


In the decade before the Civil War , the Republican Party consolidated as anti-slavery party in American politics. It was founded in 1854; it began as a coalition of groups opposed to slavery in the western territories.  It´s not a coincidence that Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election representing the Republican Party. After the war, it fought for the rights of African-Americans.

Which was a lesson learned at the First Battle of Bull Run? A.
The war was going to be longer and costlier than had been thought.

Both armies were equally well-trained and well-equipped.

The new rifled muskets were less effective than older weapons.

Northern generals were more skilled than southern generals.



-The correct answer is A. The lesson learned at the First Battle of Bull Run was that the war was going to be longer and costlier than had been thought.


The Confederate Army in Manassas, commanded by General Beauregard, had 21,000 troops. The army of the Union under the command of General McDowell had 30,000 troops, with 10,000 more reserves available. Unfortunately, McDowell was the first of many Union commanders in Virginia who moved too slowly. By the time he reached the Confederate position, another 12,000 Confederates arrived from the Shenandoah Valley.

On July 21, the two armies clashed in the first major battle of the war, known as the First Battle of Bull Run. After unsuccessfully attacking for most of the day, the untrained army of the Union collapsed and fled after one of the newly arrived Confederate units launched a counterattack.

The Union army returned to Washington much faster than it had left. Once inside the fortifications of the capitol, the army regrouped and prepared for any Confederate attack. None arrived, perhaps wisely given the strength of the fortifications and the damage done to the Confederate army. Bull Run ended the serious fight in Virginia during the year. It had many lasting effects.

In the South, it created a dangerous belief in the superiority of the Confederate soldier that would lead subsequent generals to make hasty decisions. In the North it showed that the war was going to be a lasting event, and generated a determination not to be defeated that manifested itself in the ease with which Lincoln was able to pass laws that would create an army of one million men.

The answer is A. The war was going to be longer and costlier than had been thought.

What were some experiments performed by Dr. Mengele at Auschwitz?


I only know that he prefered expirementing on twins. Sorry i cant get you a better answer :(


Dr. Mengelee, also known as Josef Mengelee, was a doctor that proformed horrific acts on prisiners (specifically twins) in concentration camps durring WWII.

I'm sorry in advance if I misspell anything.


He would take twin children when they first got to the camp and would give them food and medical attention as needed. But soon after he would begin his expierments.

He would then tortour the twins by using injections and would also continuously measure them and compare their twins mesurments.  

Only 200 out of the 3,000 people that were forced to partake in these expierments survived.

If you need more information I highly sudgest this websigt, It helped me with all of my Holocaust History classes regarding Dr. Mengele


Why was there little development in the treatment of disease vetween 1250-1500


there wasn't technology to find way to cure the disease or figure out how it occurred
Leeuwenhoek, in the early 1600s, may have seen the first microorganism in that drop of pond water, but the scientific community did not embrace the idea of microoganisms in the air (or everywhere, as we know they are today) until Pasteur in the late 1800s.

Select the statement if it correctly characterizes Asoka's reign. A.

It was brutal both before and after his conversion to Buddhism.

Buddhism spread through missionary monks.

Roads, hospitals, and monuments were built.

After Asoka died, Buddhism grew stronger in India.


"Buddhism spread through missionary monks" is the statement among the following choices given in the question that correctly characterizes Asoka's reign. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option or option "B". I hope the answer has come to your help.


Roads, hospitals, and monuments were built. and

Buddhism spread through missionary monks.


I took the K12 Quiz.


Intervals whose harmonic relationships are not found mathematically exact in the overtone series arecalled:









The imperfect intervals' harmonics relationships are not found mathematically exact in the overtone series they can be consonant or dissonant imperfect intervals: (i.e Major/minor second, Major/minor seventh.)