Which compound has the strongest hydrogen bonding between its molecules? 1. HBr 2. HF 3. HCl 4. HI


Answer 1
Answer: You can compare the strength of the hydrogen bonding by comparing the electronegativities of the other elements. All the four elements, Br, F, Cl and I belong to the same group in the periodic table: group 17 named halogens. Then the kind of bonding they form is similar: polar covalent. You must know the trend of the electronegativities in the periodic table. Electronegativity decrease when you down across a group. Then the electronegativity of F is the higher of the group (indeed, it is the highest of all the 118 elements) . The higher the electronegativity the stronger the attraction that the halogen attracts the electrons and the stronger the hydorgen bonding. Then, the conclusion is that HF has the strongest hydrogen bonding.
Answer 2
Answer: The correct answer is HF

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An atom that has gained or lost electrons is called _____.a cation
an ion
a molecule


It called cation, Well, When an atom gains or loses an electron, itattains a net charge and becomes an ion. When electrons are lost, theresulting ion is called cation and when electrons are gained, theresulting ion is called an anion. So, Cations have a net positivecharge, while anions have a net negative charge. it is true.

An atom that has gained or lost electrons is called an ion. The correct answer is option b.

An ion is an atom or molecule with an uneven number of protons and electrons that produces a net electrical charge.

When an atom gains one or more electrons, it becomes negatively charged and is called an anion. When an atom loses one or more electrons, it becomes positively charged and is called a cation.

For example, when sodium (Na) loses one electron, it becomes a positively charged ion or cation:

\rm Na\rightarrow  Na^+ + e^-

Similarly, when chlorine (Cl) gains one electron, it becomes a negatively charged ion or anion:

\rm Cl + e^- \rightarrow Cl^-

Therefore, an ion is an atom that has gained or lost electrons. Option b is the correct answer.

Learn more about ion here:



The products of self-ionization of water are


The products of self-ionization of water are H3O+ or H+ and OH-  

The auto-ionization constant of water is equal to the product of the concentration of H3O+  andOH- . The value of  w depends only on temperature. It can be change according to the temperature.

The products of self-ionization of water are OH- and H+.
OH- is the hydroxide ion and H+ is the hydronium ion.

How many atoms of carbon are present in a molecule of :
Fructose and galactose


In Fructose, there are 4 carbon atoms. Fructose is a 5 atom molecule, and one of these is oxygen, therefore, the other 4 are carbon.
In Galactose, there are 6 carbon atoms.
Hope this helps :) 


the answer is starch

Explanation: i chose fructose but got it wrong and showed that starch is correct

A photon has a wavelength of 3.8 × 10-7 meters, which is between visible and ultraviolet. Calculate the energy of this photon.



Energy of the photon is 5.2* 10^(-19) J.


Energy of a photon (E) is given by the following equation-

                                              E=(hc)/(\lambda )

Where h is the plank constant, c is the velocity of light and \lambda is the wavelength of photon.

Hence, E=((6.626* 10^(-34)J.s)* (3* 10^(8)m/s))/(3.8* 10^(-7)m)

So, E=5.2* 10^(-19) J

use the equation Energy of photon = h * c / wavelength

where h is Planck constant = 6.62607004 × 10-34 m2 kg / s

c is velocity of light in vacuum = 3.00 × 108 m/s and

wavelength value already you know

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B.) exposure to seasonal changes

C.) exposure to human activity

D.) exposure to moonlight


he three conditions that encourage the presence of marine life in the ocean are proximity to land, water depth and exposure to sunlight.

Exposure to sunlight is important since sunlight promotes the metabolic activities of algae. If we look at the food pyramid for the aquatic ecosystem, the algae is in the lowest and therefore is basic necessity. 

What are three other elements that have 8 valance electrons.


8 valence electrons means that the element is stable. When we hear stable, we know the group to look at! Noble gases all have 8 valence electrons making them stable and have a full octet. 

Here are some:-

Any noble gas so anything in the farthest column to the right on the periodic table. Examples are helium, neon, argon, and krypton.