Sam cut a pie into equal slices. There are only 3 slices left. The angle measure of the 3 slices is 72 degrees How many slices did sam cut the pie into?


Answer 1
Answer: 72/3 would give you the degree measurement of each slice. take the whole pie (360°) and divide it by the measurement of each piece, and it will tell you how many pieces he cut it in to

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percent means parts out of 100


'of' means multiply

12.5% of 168 means
0.125 times 168=21

answer is 21

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12$ what you do is subtract 18 then divide 108 by 9
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How do I solve these? thanx in advance


7. Subtract 5.7 from both sides to get the variable on one side. (f=2)
8. Subtract 5.52 from both sides to get the variable on one side. (f=5)
9. Add 3.77 to both sides so the variable will be on one side. 
10. Add 10.58 to both sides.
11. Divide by 2.2 on both sides. 2.2b/2.2 will leave you with the variable b. 8.8/2.2=4; b=4.
12. Divide by 2.5b on both sides. 2.5b/2.5 leaves b. 10/2.5= 4; b=4.
7) minus 5.7 from both sides to get

8) minus 5.52 from both sides to get

9) add 3.77 to both sides to get

10) add 10.58 to both sides to get
f= 21

11) divide both sides by 2.2 to get

12) divide both sides by 2.5 to get

hope this helps! 

The amount of caffeine in the body of a healthy adult after drinking espresso decreases exponentially, with half-life of approximately 6 hours.That is, every 6 hours, the amount of caffeine in the body decreases by 50%. Charlotte wants to go to sleep at 11 pm and does not want more than 20 milligrams (mg) of caffeine in her system at the time. What is the latest time Charlotte can drink a 2-ounce shot of espresso that contains 80 mg of caffeine?


I know the answer and the answer is 11 AM

9 PM. 9-> 80 mg, 10->40mg, 11->20 mg

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One U.S. liquid gallon is equal to 4 liquid quarts.
4 quarts = 1 gallon. Hope this helps! 

How do you multiply 2/9 x 3? I got 6/9 and my teacher says that your numerator has to be bigger than your denominator. Plus I have to simplify


So, first you would make 3 into 3/1.
Now, multiply the numerators, then the denominators.
2  x   3    6=  2
9  x   1    9= 3
Well, your teacher must mean when you turn 3 into 3/1... 
I hope this helps!
I got 6/9 as well, and when you simplify, you get 2/3.