When a star is in the main-sequence stage of its life, it is fusing __________ into ________


Answer 1
Answer: hydrogen into helium

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Hi There!

To classify the organism and to determine which kingdom it belongs to.

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This problem can be solved using the following relation: 1 kilometer = 6.6846e-9 AU. Since we are already given the number of kilometers, we simply have to multiply it to its equivalent in AU to solve for the equivalent distance. This is done below:

46 000 000 * 6.6846e-9 = 0.3 AU

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B movable
C combination
D advantageous


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What is the average time it took the car to travel 0.50 meters?




0.88 seconds

1.33 seconds

on edge (when four washers are attached)



0.88 seconds

1.33 seconds


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Total resistance = voltage / current = 220 / 5 = 44 ohms .

Even one 176-ohm resistor is too much.  The current through it is 1.25 A,
and more than one of them in series reduces the current even further.

Connecting them in parallel, however . . .

Four resistors of 176-ohms each, in parallel, have a net effective resistance
of 176/4 = 44 ohms ... exactly what you need to do the job.

The first scientest that proposed that all things are made up of atoms


John Dalton I believe.