Who painted The Last Supper, which depicted the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples? a. Masaccio
b. Michelangelo
c. Botticelli
d. Leonardo da Vinci


Answer 1
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci was the painter of the last supper
Answer 2
Answer: that would be leonardo da vinci. Leonardo di ser piero da vinci,was an italian polymath whose area of interest included invention,painting,sculpting,architecture,science,music,and mathematics.

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The constitutional controversy that led directly tothe start of the Civil War concerned the right of
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The constitutional controversy that led directly to the start of the Civil War concerned the right of states to "(4) secede from the Union" which was never really in question. 

Final answer:

The constitutional controversy that led to the start of the Civil War concerned the right of states to secede from the Union.


The constitutional controversy that led directly to the start of the Civil War concerned the right of states to secede from the Union. Southern states believed they had the right to leave the Union and form their own government, while the federal government maintained that secession was illegal. This disagreement ultimately resulted in the start of the Civil War.

Learn more about secede from the Union here:



With roots in Judeo-Christian principles, the Golden Rule states, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”Which of these statements is most like the Golden Rule?

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
Do not hurt others in ways you would find hurtful.
Do not make promises you cannot keep.
It is better to amass riches so you can then help people.



The statement that is more similar to the golden rule is:

"Do not hut others in ways you would find hurtgul.


The reason behind the similarity is that the golden rule is sustained in only performing good actions to receive good actions.

An eye for an eye talks about providing the same treatment you receive, it is specially used to perform or fundament vengeance. Therefore is the opposite o the golden rule.

Do not make promises you cannot keep doesn't talk about executing only good actions. But about being responsible for your words.

Amass riches to help people is not also about only performing well. It talks about helping people which is not implied in the golden rule. Because the golden rule is not about helping but about performing only good actions.

Therefore, do not hurt others in ways you would find hurtful is the correct answer.

Since the golden rule is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” the statement that is closest to this is Do not hurt others in ways you would find hurtful.

Which countries had a strong presence in the Americas?


If this is refering to the colonial period, then the answer is, The United Kingdom, The French Empire, The Dutch Empire, The Portuguese Empire and The Spanish Empire. The British founded colonies along the eastern sea-board in North America (the beginnings of the USA) and control of islands in the Caribbean. The French had claims to eastern Canada and Louisiana. The Dutch had control of some of the north of South America and a few islands in  the Caribbean. The Portuguese had claims in South America (most famously Brazil). The Spanish had control over large swaths of land in both South America and Central America (New Spain), and Florida.

What are the British policies?



English colonial policy, which became "British" with the union of England and Scotland in 1707, promoted domestic industry, foreign trade, fisheries, and shipping by planting colonial settlements in the New World and exploiting its resources through such commercial companies as the Hudson's Bay Company and the south

What are concurrent powers?a. powers that are currently available to citizens
b. powers that are reserved only for states
c. powers that are shared between the states and the federal government
d. powers that are reserved only for the federal government


I believe the answer is choice C. Concurrent power is when the legislative powers are divided into the state government and the federal government. The division of powers are not done differently but in a simultaneous manner. This will provide a check and balance system so that the powers are implemented well.
concurrent powers are: c. powers that are shared between the states and the federal governmentBut in case when a conflict happen when both states and the feds conduct this power, the feds will always get a leeway from the court. Examples of concurrent powers are: The power to regulating tax, regulating court, and regulating election