William Penn referred to his colony as a holy experiment because


Answer 1
Answer: William Penn referred to his colony as a holy experiment because he was a firm believer in religious liberty and tolerance, since he himself was a Quaker who had been persecuted against. 
Answer 2

a its degree of religious tolerance had never been tried before.

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Please help i am taking a civics test and i don't know this question here is the questionwho wrote the declaraton of independence?



thomas jefferson wrote the declaration of independence my guy


Which group works to help get pardons for past offenses? Amnesty International International Red Cross


The group that works to get pardons for past offences, mostly in cases of  political or unjust sentences or trials is the first one: Amnesty International.

International Red Cross on the other hand provides humanitarian protection, such as medical help.

Final answer:

The group working to obtain pardons for past offenses is Amnesty International. This NGO advocates for human rights and pressures governments to release political prisoners. Organizations like the International Red Cross and the Innocence Project also work towards justice and human rights, providing humanitarian aid and working towards exoneration respectively.


The group that works to help get pardons for past offenses would be Amnesty International. Amnesty International is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that was founded in the 1960s by Peter Benenson. The primary role of this organization is to advocate for human rights including working towards the release of political prisoners. They continuously pressure governments to reconsider their actions that infringe on human rights and organize protests and awareness campaigns, like the Guantanamo Bay protest in 2007. Over the years, its influence and work have extended to a global level.

On the other hand, the International Red Cross primarily involves itself in providing humanitarian aid and disaster relief, rather than working on legal matters such as pardons. It's important to differentiate their roles even though they both advocate for human rights and justice.

There are also other organizations like the Innocence Project that focus on exonerating falsely convicted individuals, highlighting the variety of ways that NGOs can contribute to these issues.

Learn more about Amnesty International here:



Which sentence contains consistency in verb tense? a.Before he left Maryland, he learned the blacksmith trade.
b.Before he leaves Maryland, he learns the blacksmith trade.
c.Before he leaves Maryland, he learned the blacksmith trade.
d.Before he has left Maryland, he learned the blacksmith trade.


The correct answer is A) Before he left Maryland, he learned the blacksmith trade.

The sentence that contains consistency in verb tense is "Before he left Maryland, he learned the blacksmith trade.

When writing any sentence is very important to maintain the proper consistency of the verb tense. This means that the writer must keep the same tense in the sentence or clause. It is not good writing to have one verb in one form and another verb that is written in another form in the same sentence. There has to be the same period of time in the clause.

I think it's d. Before he has left Maryland. he learned the blacksmith trade

Which of the following did NOT come from the Americas during the Columbian exchange?


Slaves. Slaves came from Africa, not America!

Which of the following government systems was encouraged by Thomas H0oker?Communism
Constitutional Monarchy
Representative Democracy


Representative Democracy

Thomas H0oker favored only democracy because he thought that no man is naturally subordinate to another without consent and the people has the right to elect representatives for themselves and to precisely assign or restrict the powers of their representatives. 
Representative Democracy 

He was a colonial leader and an outstanding speaker and writer on Christian subject. 
Because of his influence, the world's first written democratic constitution which established a representative government was inspired by him.  
Therefore, it's no question that representative democracy is the type of government he encouraged.

The development of feudalism occurred in response to which event?A. the fall of the Western Roman Empire
B. the Mongol invasions
C. the spread of the Muslim faith
D. the decline of trade between Europe and the East


The development of feudalism occurred in response to the fall of the Western Roman Empire (Option A)

What is feudalism?

Feudalism, also known as the feudal system, was the combination of the legal, economic, military, and cultural customs that flourished in medieval Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries.

Western Roman Empire

The Western Roman Empire is the western half of the Roman Empire after its division by Diocletian in 286. It existed intermittently in several periods between the 3rd century and the 5th century, after Diocletian's Tetrarchy and the reunifications associated with Constantine the Great, and Julian the Apostate. Theodosius I was the last Roman Emperor who ruled over a unified Roman empire. After his death in 395, the Roman Empire was permanently divided. The Western Roman Empire ended officially with the abdication of Romulus Augustus under pressure of Odoacer on 4 September 476, and unofficially with the death of Julius Nepos in 480.

Reasons for the fall of western Roman empire

  1. Invasion by Barbarian Tribes: The most straightforward theory for Western Rome’s collapse pins the fall on a string of military losses sustained against outside forces. Rome had tangled with Germanic tribes for centuries, but by the 300s “barbarian” groups like the Goths had encroached beyond the Empire’s borders.
  2. Economic troubles and overreliance on slave labor: Even as Rome was under attack from outside forces, it was also crumbling from within thanks to a severe financial crisis. Constant wars and overspending had significantly lightened imperial coffers, and oppressive taxation and inflation had widened the gap between rich and poor. In the hope of avoiding the taxman, many members of the wealthy classes had even fled to the countryside and set up independent fiefdoms. At the same time, the empire was rocked by a labor deficit. Rome’s economy depended on slaves to till its fields and work as craftsmen, and its military might had traditionally provided a fresh influx of conquered peoples to put to work.
  3. The rise of the Eastern Empire: The fate of Western Rome was partially sealed in the late third century, when the Emperor Diocletian divided the Empire into two halves—the Western Empire seated in the city of Milan, and the Eastern Empire in Byzantium, later known as Constantinople. The division made the empire more easily governable in the short term, but over time the two halves drifted apart.
  4. Overexpansion and military overspending: At its height, the Roman Empire stretched from the Atlantic Ocean all the way to the Euphrates River in the Middle East, but its grandeur may have also been its downfall. With such a vast territory to govern, the empire faced an administrative and logistical nightmare. Even with their excellent road systems, the Romans were unable to communicate quickly or effectively enough to manage their holdings.
  5. Government corruption and political instability:  Being the Roman emperor had always been a particularly dangerous job, but during the tumultuous second and third centuries it nearly became a death sentence. Civil war thrust the empire into chaos, and more than 20 men took the throne in the span of only 75 years, usually after the murder of their predecessor.
  6. The arrival of the Huns and the migration of the Barbarian tribes: The Barbarian attacks on Rome partially stemmed from a mass migration caused by the Huns’ invasion of Europe in the late fourth century. When these Eurasian warriors rampaged through northern Europe, they drove many Germanic tribes to the borders of the Roman Empire. The Romans grudgingly allowed members of the Visigoth tribe to cross south of the Danube and into the safety of Roman territory, but they treated them with extreme cruelty.
  7. Christianity and the loss of traditional values: The decline of Rome dovetailed with the spread of Christianity, and some have argued that the rise of a new faith helped contribute to the empire’s fall. The Edict of Milan legalized Christianity in 313, and it later became the state religion in 380. These decrees ended centuries of persecution, but they may have also eroded the traditional Roman values system.
  8. Weakening of the Roman legions: For most of its history, Rome’s military was the envy of the ancient world. But during the decline, the makeup of the once mighty legions began to change. Unable to recruit enough soldiers from the Roman citizenry, emperors like Diocletian and Constantine began hiring foreign mercenaries to prop up their armies.

For more information about Roman Empire click on brainly.com/question/11415671


A, the fall of the Western Roman Empire! I do love the Medieval Period ;)