What message did the Roosevelt Corollary send to the rest of the world?


Answer 1
Answer: Roosevelt Corollary's message to the rest of the world was that the US was in charge of the Western hemisphere, but simultaneously that they were uninterested in world issues and were not going to meddle in the business of other countries. There was also a lot of emphasis on the strength of the US's economy and of the navy.
Answer 2
Answer: B. The US was in charge of the Western Hemisphere

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B. Theodore Roosevelt
C. William Taft
D. Woodrow Wilson


a. the frist one klndsnd

Final answer:

William Taft's official foreign policy, known as Dollar Diplomacy, was the most likely to advocate for influencing other nations primarily through economic means. It aimed at promoting American commercial interests abroad through the use or denial of financial support.


The president's official foreign policy most likely to advocate exerting influence over other nations primarily through economic means would have been that of William Taft. This policy is referred to as Dollar Diplomacy.

William Taft's Dollar Diplomacy aimed at creating stability and order abroad that would best promote American commercial interests. This policy meant that the U.S. government would give, or withhold, its financial support to other countries based on whether their policies were beneficial to American economic interests.

Learn more about Dollar Diplomacy here:



The statement “force equals mass times acceleration” is Newton’s second law of motion. Why is this a law rather than a theory?(a)It states, rather than explains, the relationship between the variables.
(B)It cannot be proven, whereas a theory can be proven.
(C)It may be revised if new information shows that the relationship has changed.
(D)It was classified as a law because it is related to other similar discoveries.



(a)It states, rather than explains, the relationship between the variables.


Newton's laws, also known as Newton's laws of motion, are three principles from which a large part of the problems posed in classical mechanics are explained, particularly those related to the movement of bodies, which revolutionized the concepts of physics and the movement of bodies in the universe.

In particular, the relevance of these laws lies in two aspects: on the one hand they constitute, together with the transformation of Galileo, the basis of classical mechanics, and on the other hand, by combining these laws with the law of universal gravitation, they can be deduce and explain Kepler's laws about planetary motion. Thus, Newton's laws allow us to explain, for example, both the movement of the stars and the movements of the artificial projectiles created by the human being and all the mechanical functioning of the machines. Its mathematical formulation was published by Isaac Newton in 1687 in his work Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica.

The dynamics of Newton, also called classical dynamics, is only fulfilled in the inertial reference systems (which move at a constant speed, the Earth, although it rotates and rotates, is treated as such for the purposes of many practical experiments). It only applies to bodies whose speed is considerably distant from the speed of light; When the speed of the body is approaching 300,000 km / s (which would occur in non-inertial reference systems) a series of phenomena called relativistic effects appear. The study of these effects (contraction of length, for example) corresponds to the theory of special relativity, enunciated by Albert Einstein in 1905.

a...it is a fixed equation that is true for every scenario...