What are two uses of animals that cause conflict in our society?


Answer 1
Answer: we as humans eating animals and using they're skin, teeth,fur,and etc 
Answer 2
Answer: Us eatting the animals and us killing then for their fur, bones, teeth, oil ect.

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I think the answer is D. It's because tidbit means a piece of a tasty food



Explanation:Hunk means a large piece of food while here its small piece.

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what kind of story .?

Hey, there! Here's something I wrote on Halloween. I hope it answers your question!

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Which topic or issue would be most appropriate for a four- to five-page research paper? a) advertising on school grounds
b) advertising
c) print advertising
d) electronic advertising


a) advertising on school grounds

This is the best option for a research paper because it can be researched without having too much information. The author of the essay could take a stand on whether or not advertising should be allowed on school grounds as well. The other topics are too broad and would need to be the size of a magazine or novel in order to be written about or explored with the depth necessary for a research paper.

The correct option is \boxed{\text{a) advertising on school grounds}}.

Further Explanation:

According to the above question, 'advertising in school grounds' is the topic which would prove to be appropriate to write a four-to-five research paper.

To select a topic to write a research paper is one of the basic steps. The topic to be chosen should meet the interest of the writer. Also, it needs to focus on a question which interests you.  Researching things related to the topic is the next step to write the research paper. The result of the research paper is associated with the topic and the ideas incorporated in it. The pieces of evidence are required to prove certain arguments. A research paper is a total of the topic, the research, argument and the conclusion presented effectively. Research strategy involves the process of searching and organizing the materials. It moves on the process to process in an organized way. The information added should help in the proving of the argument built in the paper. All the important information needs to be added in a way that the argument is built in a processed way. The evaluation of the sources mentioned should also be done simultaneously. A research paper should follow the purpose of the writing.

Learn more:

1. Which topic or issue would be most appropriate for a four- to five-page research paper? brainly.com/question/1496545

2. Which tense allows for the sequencing of two or more noncontinuous events that occur in the same time period? brainly.com/question/1600342

Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject: English

Chapter: Research Topic


Research Topic, research paper, Research strategy, advertising, evidence, searching, organizing.

What are the main three themes of the poem the character of a happy life​



Honest thoughts function as the shield and armour of the happy man in his life, as is said in the poem The Character Of A Happy Life written by Henry Wotton.


In Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, why does Alice hope the creatures are going to ask riddles? A. She enjoys riddles and wants to have some fun. B. She knows that she will be able to trick them with their own riddle. C. She wants to distract them from the tea party. D. She wants to practice riddles before seeing the Queen of Hearts.


Definitely c because you can do the process trial and error so which one you think is definitely wrong and which one is a possibility so she wants to distract them to probably get away from the queen of hearts


it's C, or D


she wants to move on but the guys wont let here, they wanna have a tea party with the girl, but she dosen't bc there is a time limit on the movie she needs to get all of the riddles correct and to follow the bunny to get to the Queen of Hearts, then get out of there or she's stuck in there forever, and she needs to practice on here riddles to defeat the Queen of Hearts and get all of the riddles right, to get out on time!