Do predators really kill only the old and sick prey? What evidence is there for this statement


Answer 1
Answer: There are many factors that determine what a predator will prey on. For instance if the predator is starving or if they are hunting in a pack. Predators will usually prey on animals that are easiest to be captured without using too much energy. The sick, young, old, small and unaware animals will often times fall prey since they are easiest to be caught. Predators don't necessarily prey only on the ill/ injured. Sick prey may be overlooked because their bodies may not provide the necessary sustence for the predator and others it may be feeding. Healthy large slow moving animals may be difficult to kill but the payoff is greater, especially if a pack is involved.
Answer 2

Final answer:

Predators do not only kill old and sick prey. They can also target healthy prey depending on factors like population dynamics and resource abundance.


Yes, predators do not only kill old and sick prey. Predation is a complex interaction that involves predators hunting and consuming prey. While predators may target weaker and more vulnerable individuals, they can also target healthy and strong individuals if necessary.

One example of this is the cycling of predator and prey populations, such as the lynx and snowshoe hare. As the hare population increases, there is more food available for the lynx, allowing its population to increase as well. However, when the lynx population grows too large, it can kill a significant number of hares, leading to a decline in the hare population due to scarcity of food.

Therefore, predators can kill both old and sick prey as well as healthy prey, depending on various factors such as population dynamics, abundance of resources, and competition.

Learn more about Predation and prey dynamics here:


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