670000 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is


Answer 1
Answer: It's already rounded to the nearest ten thousand
Answer 2
Answer: It would still be the same answer because the 7 is represented as ten - thousands and you go next door to the 0. If it is higher than 5, it changes but if it is lower, well, I forgot. But I know it stays the the same because you cannot change anything.It is a 0.

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100 pts. 7 Questions. Brainlest Answer. Answer ASAP, please!How can images or captions reveal a bias?

How can a headline change your reaction to a story, without even having read the story?

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Please help as soon as you can.



1.images or captions can reveal a bias, by the illustration of the image and by what the caption says for example a caption can have all females in it. that would be bias toward males or vise versa.

2.headlines can change a reaction to a story because they can persuade you to do something but what you read in the story may not have been what you read about or, they can have interesting facts in them.

3.it is possible for different news sources to paint different pictures of the same story because, one news source group can have different views of the story. and the other may feel a different way.

4. Thats your choice

5.its important to read multiple news sources because you can really see what they think about the same topic and if something is really true or not.

6. we can present information in an unbiassed way by having bot male and female be apart of what it is to be presented like everyone is equal everyone can do the same jobs and everyone can get loved. ;-)

7.its important for the news to be unbiased because there are really great things for women to teach men and men can teach women great things too. and yes i believe it is possible.


brainliest please :)

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