Who was sentenced to jail in 1894 for helping to impede US mail delivery?


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is Eugene V. Debs. He was a known union leader and a prominent socialist who was a controversial figure due to his public appearance. Not only was he incarcerated because of this, but also because he opposed drafting people for WW1 and was accused of being a traitor of the United States of America.
Answer 2


Answer is D. Eugene Debs


Hope this helps :)

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Theologians like Saint Augustine are given huge credits for their contribution to the foundation for the Catholic Church culture about faith and reason even in today's progressive world.

Saint Augustine laid theories like the supreme good with the matrix as Summum Bonum, He suggested that the enjoyment lies in the happiness of God.

  • Saint Augustine has laid his various teachings few of them are as that the Anger and Courage are the daughter of Hope which has a deep meaning and should be applied to daily life situations that occur.

  • Other teachings of Saint Augustine include that he quotes regarding fear as the biggest enemy of love. Love cannot be achieved with fear and the expression of love should always be free and non-binding.

  • Saint Augustine is considered to be a big believer of Pope culture and considered as the patron saint of painter artists, brewers and the theologians.

Hence, Saint Augustine is still given the credits for spreading his teachings to help the foundation of Catholic Church culture throughout the Christianity.

To know more about Saint Augustine, click the link below



Saint Augustine


Which pre-renaissance/pre-enlightenment theologian can be credited with laying the foundation for the catholic church's attitude, even through today, about faith and reason?

Saint Augustine, whose real name is Aurelius Augustinus, lived between 354 to 430. He was born in Thagaste in Roman Africa modern day Souk Ahras in Algeria. His work cut across issue of sin, grace, freedom and sexuality.Through which he engages with pre- and non-Christian philosophy, much of which he knew from firsthand.

Augustine is a saint of the Catholic Church, whose authority in theological matters was globally accepted in the Latin Middle Ages and still existing in the Western Christian tradition, virtually uncontested till the nineteenth century.

He is widely considered as the greatest Christian philosopher of Antiquity and the most influential in laying the foundation for the catholic church's attitude, even through today, about faith and reason

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As a peninsula, the people of Greece took advantage of living by the sea. The mountains in Greece did not have fertile soil good for growing crops, like in Mesopotamia, but the mild climate allowed for some farming. The Greeks, like many other ancient civilizations, felt deeply connected to the land they lived on.

Which of these events occurred first?the fall of the Songhai Empire
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the introduction of Islam into West Africa
the entrance of Portuguese explorers into African territory


The answer on edg. is:

C.) The introduction of Islam into West Africa :)


C is correct


Please give three reasons why a battle would happen in a certain area ? :)


One reason why a battle would happen in a certain area would be over territorial disputes, another would be that two groups are having a political dispute, and another could be a rebellion against a larger government. 

How did the Sherman Antitrust Act restrict monopolies?


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