In chapter 20 of the lightning theif, how did Percy feel about seeing his mother?


Answer 1
Answer: If u read that chapter then it should explain or just read chapter 20
Answer 2

Answer: Percy feels relieved that his mother is alive and ok but angered at the person who did this.


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1. In three to five sentences, summarize the conflict Marcus is facing in this excerpt.

2. In three to five sentences, explain the type of conflict Marcus faces in this excerpt.

3. In three to five sentences, explain Marcus’ current stage of identity development. Use examples from the text. As a reminder, the different stages of identity development are:

Identity Diffusion occurs when an adolescent does not make a commitment to any particular roles, values, or goals.
Identity Foreclosure occurs when someone makes a commitment without considering other possibilities.
Identity Moratorium occurs when an individual is in the midst of a crisis over a particular role or value and tries out alternatives in order to make a commitment.
Identity Achievement occurs when someone makes a personal decision or commitment after going through a crisis and exploring his or her options.

4. In three to five sentences, explain what you think will happen to Marcus next based on what you read. How could this conflict change Marcus' character?

5. In a paragraph of at least three sentences, describe a conflict you have experienced. Identify the choice you had to make. Explain how this conflict changed you.


1- Marcus' conflict is related to his friends; he wants to help them but he cannot. First, his friend Darryl has been stabbed and he cannot help him because the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) stops him. Darryl gets lost. The DHS takes Marcus and his friends prisoners and torture them. Marcus can hear his friends' cries but cannot help them.

2-Marcus is facing a conflict with the authority. The authority is authoritarian so he cannot do much. He has to obey them. He is physically attacked so he feels cornered. Although he has tried to explain to them his situation, the DHS ignores and tortures him.

3- Marcus ' current stage of identity is foreclosure since he is obliged to do what the DHS tells him to do. He accepts not to rebel against them. He wants to be free and he wants his friends to be free,too. During this identity stage, teenagers tend to  follow what the adults say. Adults sometimes pressure teenagers to accept the roles they want for them.

4- Marcus will rebel against the DHS. He will notice that the DHS is not helping American society against terrorism. He believes they are not reliable ,so he will set an organization to fight against them. Probably, he will show he is more reliable than the DHS to protect America against terrorism.

5-Once at a party , I saw my best friend's fiancé cheating on her. I did not know what to do. My friend was madly in love with him. Finally ,I decided not to tell her anything. I learnt that they had to find a solution without my help.

Based on the given text, the stage of identity development Marcus is experiencing is Identity Foreclosure. This identity development is dominant among teenagers. They tend to venture into a commitment without exploring other alternatives in reaching their desired goals.

Lord of the flies When Piggy finds the conch, he explains how he once saw a conch on a person's wall in England and that it's "ever so valuable."

What does the conch come to symbolize?

humor and fun

the wildness of their environment

order and civilization

violence and savagery


The conch comes to symbolize, c) order and civilization.

Which word is an antonym of buried?


Revealed. Dig up. I prefer Reveal though..

Read emma's problem. use your answers in ex. 3 to write a letter of advice to her (100-120 words).Emmy
problem : '' I've put on weight. any ideas about what i schould do?''



First, you have to know the reason why you gained weight.
Is it because you are depressed and eat excessively?
Is it because you are tired constantly and opt to eat junk food?
Is it because you stopped doing exercises but continue eating the same amount of food that you usually burn when exercising?

When you know the real reason behind your weight gain, you will be able to know the steps needed to getting your old weight back. 

Bottom line, you have to get enough rest, maintain a positive attitude, do exercises or sports, and be aware of your food intake. Everything should be in moderation.

I hope this helped! Good luck!

Which type of context clue was used to determine the word "contender" in the passage? Then, her grandfather came to visit, and he was quite the contender! Rita was excited, yet nervous, to go up against such a worthy adversary and challenger.

a definition

b synonym

c antonym

d example


I think example because it isn’t synonym or antonym and it doesn’t say definition.

In the story racism is at the heart problem. Which idea complicates the conflict ? ( Neto story )


Answer:The coach doesn't support Neto, Jesse, and the other teammate.


The coach didn't support them and he said that leaving is the worst thing that they can do and it will make it all worse. They were explained everything to him but he didn't tried to understand it at all.

The coach even said that other people will call them ''losers'' and ''quitters''. They were very disappointed because they was hopping that he would understand it after their explanation, but he didn't.


A. "Neto does not want to stop playing football for his school".


If he did not want to complicate the problem about racism, he would have just quit football. However, he kept playing and racism was still prevalent.