What is the difference between mass and weight in Physical Science?


Answer 1
Mass is a property of a lump of matter.  It goes wherever the lump goes,
and it doesn't depend on what else may be nearby.

Weight is the force of gravity between a lump of matter and some other
mass.  Since it depends on what else may be nearby, it can be different in
different places.

This is the correct answer in Physical Science.  It's also the correct answer
in Biology, Math, Political Science, and Comparative Middle Eastern Religions.

Answer 2
Answer: mass is how much matter is in an object
wieght is  a body's relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it, giving rise to a downward force; the heaviness of a person or thing.

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Stratus clouds are formed in flat layers.


stratus clouds


They are uniform and flat, producing a gray layer of cloud cover which may be precipitation-free or may cause periods of light precipitation or drizzle.

What are earthquake prone zones


That means earthquakes are more likely to happen there than anywhere else.
earthquake Prone zone areas are those which are at the risk of earthquake mostly...
 prone zone areas include 
1 Islamabad ....Pakistan
2 Mexico
3 Izmir ....Turkey
4 Delhi ....India
5 Manila ..... Philippines...

look around you to find an object in motion.Describe the object's motion by discussing its position and direction of motion in relation to a reference point.Then explain how you can determine the object's speed


the object in motion is a car. the car's motion is fast and bright in color. I can determine the speed of the car by the speed limit at the moment and upping it if the car is moving faster.

Final answer:

The motion of a car in relation to a reference point can be described by its position and direction. Speed can be determined by measuring the distance traveled in a specific time period.


A moving car can be an object in motion. In relation to a reference point, such as a stationary tree, the car's position and direction of motion can be described. For example, the car may be moving to the right of the tree.

To determine the car's speed, you can measure the distance it travels in a certain amount of time. For instance, if the car travels 100 meters in 10 seconds, its speed would be 10 meters per second (m/s).

In summary, by observing the position and direction of motion of an object in relation to a reference point, you can describe its motion. And by measuring the distance it covers in a given time period, you can determine its speed.

Learn more about motion here:



The for objects to ____changes in their motion is called




The for objects to displacement changes in their motion is called Force and Motion

plz mark as brainliest

What is the main cause of erosion


Erosion is mainly caused by water, wind, and gravity.

Erosion is caused by human activities like excessive construction, agriculture, surface mining and forestry. Removing the vegetative cover accelerates erosion, which is often caused by grazing, logging or cultivating. In some cases, it can be removed by pests like pigs, rabbits and goats.

What instrument is used to measure relative humidity and how does it work?


The measurement of humidity may be done directly by a hygrometer.

But the usual instrument is called a psychrometer, which uses two thermometers to obtain temperatures that indicate the relative humidity.

A psychrometer is an instrument that uses the difference in readings between two thermometers, one having a wet bulb and the other having a dry bulb, to measure the moisture content or relative humidity of air. When air is saturated, the bulbs have the same temperature. When it is less than saturated, the moisture around the wet bulb evaporates, cooling the wet bulb until it is cooled to the temperature where the concentration of water vapor in the air would saturate air at that temperature.


Relative humidity is a measure of water vapor in the air compared with the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at that temperature. It can be measured by using a variety of instruments, such as a thin polymer film, a psychrometer, a dew cell, and a hair hygrometer.
sling psycrhometer
A hygrometer or a psychrometer will measure relative humidity.
A hygrometer.
Thermo-hygrograph. It uses two thermometers, one gives dry temperature is is hung in the air, while the second one is dipped in water with the help of a wick. As the evaporation of water depends on the relative humidity in the air, when there is a big difference in dry and wet temperatures it means that humidity is low and vice versa. The exact humidity is found out with the help of a table Relative humidity can be measured by a psychrometer .