Shakespearean sonnets begin with _____ and end with a(n) _____


Answer 1


quatrain; couplet


A Shakespearean sonnet begins with a quatrain and ends with a couplet. This type of sonnet is comprised of three quatrains and a couplet. Moreover, they have a rhyme scheme of abab cdcd efef gg. This type of poem is also called English sonnet. Although it receives Shakespeare's name, many authors used this form before Shakespeare.

Answer 2
Answer: There are two main types of sonnets. 
Petrarchan and Shakespearean. 

Petrarchan begins with a octave (eight lines that set up the issue at hand), and ends with a sestet (six lines usually a resolution). 

Shakespearean begin with three quatrains, which develop three similar ideas and end with a couplet.

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Greetings, [name of shift change supervisor, employer, or superior], I'm writing to request a shift change. During [current work hours], I am employed as a [position] at [company].

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Career advancement is the most common reason for changing jobs, and it is also the easiest to answer when asked in an interview. Start by discussing your goals and career objectives, as well as how the new job matches your qualifications and work experience.

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In Ernest Hemingway’s “In Another Country,” the major’s reaction to marriage reflects which of Hemingway’s major themes?


The correct answer for this question is this one: "B) disillusionment in a violent world." In Ernest Hemingway’s “In Another Country,” the major’s reaction to marriage reflects disillusionment in a violent world.

Here are the following choices:
A) the relationship between the young and the old
B) disillusionment in a violent world
C) heroism and courage in the face of danger.

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QUICK!If you want to decide if a research study will include information that is useful to you, what sections should you skim first?



i would skim it all


personally  i would skim through it all but i would especially do the middle parts, they are most important

Skim it all, but highlighting any key information or direct quotes is helpful