Why do you think only 27 formal amendments have been added to the constitution ?


Answer 1
Answer: The main reason why only 27 formal amendments have been added to the constitution is because the process of adding such amendments is very cumbersome, and getting the right number of states to all agree on the same amendment is very difficult. 

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B-until the work is no longer sold
C-the life of the artist plus 20 years
D-the life of the artist plus 70 years


A copyright is good for the life of the artist plus 70 years. Option D is correct.

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Geography and political organization.


The Lapita culture settled in many of the islands of Polynesia establishing villages with no other intention than farming, breeding and living  based on their culture. They never organized under the concept of settig a more organized and bigger order like a captial or state-city, in fact they were sea explores looking for opportunities to live accross the Polynesia, but never as conquerors as they never built military forces to consider being a threat for other civilizations. The geography of Polynesia was not very fit for the purpose of setting empires. Maybe if the Lapitas had established in Australia, things would have been different, but  the chose small islands which was also a limitating factor for them to grown as an empire.