Which political party rose to power in Germany during the 1930s?a. the Communist Party
b. the Nazi Party
c. the Fascist Party
d. the Socialist Party


Answer 1
Answer: The answer would be Nazi Party. Under the control of Adolf Hitler produced into a mass drive and administrated Germany over authoritarian means from 1933 to 1945. Originated in 1919 as the German Workers’ Party, the group encouraged German vanity and anti-Semitism, and spoken displeasure with the rapports of the Treaty of Versailles.

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There was much _____________ used in the ancient writings, to produce a visual narrative of what had happened.a.


The correct option is B. There was much symbolism used in the ancient writings, to produce a visual narrative of what had happened.

What is the importance of Symbolism in writing?

Symbolism takes something that is often solid and attaches it to another object to give it a new and deeper significance. To put it another way, symbolism enables a writer to poetically instead of directly express something to their audience.

Symbolism was used in the ancient wall murals to provide a visual narrative of what had happened. using an image to amplify a piece of art's underlying significance. Historical events have been represented through art. Egyptologists employed wall murals to depict historical events.

Thus, B is the best choice. The ancient literature made extensive use of symbolism to create a picture-perfect narrative of what had happened.

Learn more about Symbolism here:



There was much symbolism used in the ancient writings, to produce a visual narrative of what had happened.

How many immigrants arrived in the United States between 1875 and 1910?


A large number of immigrants arrived, and they sought acculturation programs at settlement houses. Their total population was almost 8 million in numbers. 
They lived in urban areas and most of them worked for the low paying jobs. The immigrants came from northern and western Europe including Great Britain, Ireland, and Scandinavia. But also a huge number of immigrants were from southern and eastern Europe.


almost 8 million


As the colonies moved toward independence, the First Continental Congress was created in1760.


As the colonies moved toward independence, the First Continental Congress was created in 1774. They met in Philadelphia at the very beginning of the Revolution.

The First Congress was created in response to the Intolerable Acts glided by country Parliament. The act meant to reprimand Massachusetts for the 1774 Hub of the Universe party.

Rebels boarded 3 docked British ships in the harbour and threw ninety,000 pounds of tea into the port. The Intolerable Acts closed the port till the colonists recompense the injury caused by the incident, unilaterally altered the colony’s charter and backward bound liberties. A British general was conjointly assigned as governor of the colony.

As the colonies moved toward independence, the First Continental Congress was created in 1774.

Further explanation

This gathering was the first step of the independence of the 13 American colonies controlled by England. The tensions between the British government and the people of the American continent were so strong during those years. It was in Boston that the biggest conflict happened when the population of that city revolted against the taxes imposed on the population by destroying the cargo of tea from an England ship. The response of the British was to close the harbor until the lost merchandise was repaid, and they requisitioned all the empty houses for British soldiers. This policy was called The Coercive Acts.

Therefore, it was to organize the resistance, the 55 delegates from 12 colonies met in Philadelphia between September 5 and October 26, 1774. But, they were not all in agreement. Some wanted to remain under the king's rule, but create a parliament to have a right to challenge his decisions, the others wanted complete independence.

Together they wrote the articles of association, which established a boycott of the products coming from England as long as the Coercive Acts were not canceled. This first continental congress was held just before the beginning of 8 years war between the two camps, which ended in the victory and independence of the 13 colonies.

Learn more

Answer details

Subject: History

Chapter: The American Revolutionary War

Keywords: independence of the United States, history of the 13 colonies, the events that led to U.S. Independence, England policy in America

Which name refers to the slaves who worked at hard labor in the city-state of Sparta?A.





The answer is not B. hoplites because those are heavy infantry in ancient Greece used but lots of city states not just by Sparta so the correct term is Helots and here is the definition-- a member of a class of serfs in ancient Sparta, intermediate in status between slaves and citizens.


A. helots


Slaves who worked for the spartans were often called helots.

Which nations have political divisions called provinces


I know Canada does but not sure about any others 
I agree the correct answer is Canada! :)

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