Rice was an important food crop that originated in Japan.
a. True
b. False


Answer 1

The correct answer is False


To begin with, a food crop refers to a type of crop that is grown by human groups for food supply, different from cash crops that are grown to get profit. In the case of rice, it is believed this was first cultivated in China near to the Yangtze River around 12000 years ago, after this, rice became an important food crop in China and later was introduced to other cultures and zones such as India, Taiwan, Bali, Java, among others. Additionally, rice was introduced to Japan after it had spread in Southeast Asia around 3500 BC. This means it is false rice was an important food crop that originated in Japan because it originated in China.

Answer 2
Answer: b.False.

Rice origanally originated in China. #AsiansForLIFE

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King led an important protest against discrimination on April 3, 1968.

Further Explanations:

Renaissance was an era in European History that spanned somewhat between the 14th century and 17th century that advanced European middle age to modernity. The conceptual basis of the theory of Renaissance was its genre of Humanism obtained from the Roman concepts of Humanities and classical Greekphilosophy Protagoras. Protagoras stated that “man is the ration of all things” which became apparent in science, literate, politics and art, and architecture.

One of the most remarkable protestants of the Renaissance era was Martin Luther King, well known for his protest for civil rights through nonviolence and Civil disobedience movement. His Christian beliefs and ideologies of Mahatma Gandhi Were the reasons behind his non- violent protest. On 3rd April Martin Luther King addressed a rally in mason Temple, which was even his last speech. The very next day Martin was assassinated in his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. His death triggered the Civil right movement.

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Answer Details

Grade: High School

Subject: History

Topic:Martin Luther King

Keywords:Renaissance, European, History, Humanism, Roman concepts, Humanities, classical Greek, philosophy Protagoras. Protagoras, science, literate, politics and art, and architecture.

King led an important protest against discrimination on April 3, 1968.- - Answer: C

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Blaborers and farmers
C. blacksmiths and lawyers
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What battler ended Hitler's plan for dominating Europe?



The Soviet victory in the Battle of Berlin finished Nazi Germany


because by spring 1945 World War II had been raging in Europe for more than five years. Years of brutal battles resulted in massive losses of human life and destruction of towns and cities. Since 1941, the Soviet Union had been fighting Germany in eastern Europe, losing millions of soldiers as they repelled Hitler’s invasion of Soviet territory.

In June 1944 successful Allied invasions in France allowed U.S. and British forces to capture German territory and press the Axis powers back. At the same time, the Soviets, led by Premier Joseph Stalin, began their campaign in the east. Over the year, the Red Army marched toward Berlin, intent on the destruction of Nazi Germany.  

On June 22, 1944, three years to the day after German troops invaded Soviet territory, the Red Army launched Operation Bagration, a massive offensive on the eastern front aimed primarily at annihilating Army Group Center, the once mighty Nazi force that had reached the outskirts of Moscow in 1941 during Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa.  

I'm assuming you mean battle, not battler. 

The Stalingrad battle on the Russian front ended Hitler's plan for dominating Europe.

Three of the Four Noble Truths taught by Buddha are stated below. Which one is NOT one of his Four Noble Truths?A. Pain and suffering are inevitable because desire cannot be ended
B. life if full of pain and suffering
C. pain and suffering can be stopped by ending desire
D. desire is a cause of pain and suffering


if you look at options A and C you can notice that they're contradictory, so they can't both be true, therefore the correct answer must be one of them.
The correct answer is in fact a): desire can be ended, unlike what the option says, and the end to desire is what Buddha was advocating for.

Which of these BEST describes the My Lai Incident in early 1968?


a massacre of unarmed Vietnamese Villagers by US troops