How do you write I am 10 years old in japenese ( hiragana )


Answer 1
Answer: Just to add a couple of remarks to Konrad509's answer.

Yes, one of the right answers is:
      [watashi ha juu-sai desu.]

In kanji it looks like this: 

If you wanted to customize your sentence a little bit then I would suggest changing the first person pronoun to something else. Therefore, if you're a girl, you might to use あたし [atashi] instead of わたし (私) [watashi]; if you're a teenage boy who wants to sound cool on the other hand, you might want to use おれ (俺) [ore]. 

Also you might want to add よ [yo] at the end of the whole sentence to sound more amiably. 

I hope that it clears everything up for you. If you had more questions, you can just write to me personally ;)


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what sense or senses does the description of the workers appeal? What impact does the description have on the tone or feeling of the text?


Answers with Explanations:

1. What sense or senses does the description of the workers appeal?

I can see that you haven't attached the title of the text. I believe the title of the text being asked is "One Last Time," by Gary Soto.

In lines 2-7, the description of the workers appeal to the sense of sight and touch. The workers appeared "dusty" and "thin." These alone will awaken the audience's emotion just by watching their appearance (sense of sight). The text mentioned "h.oes balanced from their shoulders" (sense of sight and touch). This evokes the audience's emotion by allowing them to feel how heavy it was to carry the h.oes. The workers are "returning from the fields" and this appeals to the sense of touch, particularly that the workers are feeling tired from the heat of the sun.

2. What impact does the description have on the tone or feeling of the text?

The description creates a negative tone or gloomy feeling on the text. It tries to tell the audience that working in the field is not fun because they show images of tired workers whose "eyes were squinting."  It also tells the audience that it is a hard work and this is what most people do in order to earn a living.