Lara has noticed that all of her friends are very careful about what they eat, and they are all much thinner than she is. She wants to be healthy, but she really wants to fit in with her friends. What is the best step for Lara to take?A. Talk to a trusted adult to help her evaluate her eating and exercise in a healthy way.
B.Ask her friends how they stay so thin, and use the same strategies.
C. Find new friends who are not as thin so she doesn't feel any pressure.
D.Try out the newest diet she's seen advertised on TV to help her lose the weight she wants to lose.


Answer 1

Answer: Option (A) is the correct answer.


If Lara wants to be healthy, and really wants to fit in with her friends then she should talk to a trusted adult to help her evaluate her eating and exercise in a healthy way.

This is because a trusted person will give her beneficial advice as compared to any other person or any advertisement on TV which may promise false results in order to sell their product.

This may also lead to harmful effects on her health. Thus, she should eat and exercise in a healthy way.

Answer 2

A. Talk to a trusted adult to help her evaluate her eating and exercise in a healthy way.

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Volt is a measure of electric potential. Electric potential,a type  of potential energy that could bereleased if electric current is allowed to flow. 

Its formulas would be: 
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The balls in the image above have different masses and speeds. Fill in the blanks in the following sentence: Ball ___ has the greatest amount of momentum and ball ___ has the least amount of momentum.



The given figure shows four balls A,B,C and D. Momentum of an object is defined as the product of its mass and velocity.

Momentum of ball A, p₁ = m₁v₁ = 0.7 kg × 15 m/s = 10.5 kg-m/s

Momentum of ball B, p₂ = m₂v₂ = 5.5 kg × 1.2 m/s = 6.6 kg-m/s  

Momentum of ball C, p₃ = m₃v₃ = 5 kg × 2.5 m/s = 12.5 kg-m/s    

Momentum of ball D, p₄ = m₄v₄ = 1.5 kg × 5 m/s = 7.5 kg-m/s

So, ball C has the greatest amount of momentum and ball B has the least amount of momentum.      

Ball C has the greatest momentum and ball B has the least amount of momentum.

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According to Newton's first law, massive objects have more inertia than small objects, which Means it takes more force to move bigger things than smaller ones.

According to Newton's first law, massive objects have more inertia than small objects, which means it takes more force to move bigger things than smaller ones.

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b the ball will land ahead of her

c the ball will land behind her

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Given that they are all on the same bus that is travelling in a straight line at the same velocity, when Elle throws the ball directly upwards, the ball will simply fall back to her. This is because the bus, Elle, and the ball are all travelling in the same direction and at the same speed. Among the choices, the correct answer is A.


the ball will fall back to her
