HELP!!!!!! Multiple choiceDuring transmutation...

A. the number of neutrons always decreases.
B. the number of neutrons always increases.
C. the number of protons always increases.
D. the number of protons always decreases.


Answer 1
Answer: C. the number of protons always increases

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The correct answer is B.

Look into period table of elements at electronegativity.
Electronegativity of carbon is 2.5 and of fluorine 4.0.
Electronegativity is a strenght/ability to attract electrons.

Fluorine eletronegativity is much higher so it's atom has stronger attraction of electrons.

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On a small time scale, glass is in a solid state. When you look at a window, it appears solid.

However, it has been observed that over a very long period, glass starts to act like a liquid.

It can thus be characterized by two different states depending on the time scale considered.
I think the other answer is incorrect. Glass being a liquid is a misconception, from when glassmaking was imperfect and windows were thicker at the bottom of the pane than the middle. But that was from when the glass was MADE, after being heated and put into a liquid form.

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1.57 * 58.69

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I think it might be true.
false that is what i think

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This statement would be false.

They would not be the same

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110lbs (1 kg / 2.204 lbs) (2.0mg / 1 kg) = 99.818