Which sentence has the correct subject verb agreement .Loud claps of thunder shake the house
Loud claps of thunder shakes the house ?


Answer 1
Answer: The first sentence is the answer.
Answer 2

Loud claps of thunder shake the house

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The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "Beah and his friends head back to Mogbwemo to find their families."  the excerpt from A Long Way Gone end is that Beah and his friends head back to Mogbwemo to find their families

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What does Charles Dickens point out about British society during the Industrial Revolution in this excerpt from Oliver Twist?“It's a nasty trade,” said Mr. Limbkins, when Gamfield had again stated his wish.

“Young boys have been smothered in chimneys before now,” said another gentleman.

“That's acause they damped the straw afore they lit it in the chimbley to make 'em come down again,” said Gamfield; “that's all smoke, and no blaze; vereas smoke ain't o' no use at all in making a boy come down, for it only sinds him to sleep, and that's wot he likes. Boys is wery obstinit, and wery lazy, Gen'l'men, and there's nothink like a good hot blaze to make 'em come down vith a run. It's humane too, gen'l'men, acause, even if they've stuck in the chimbley, roasting their feet makes 'em struggle to hextricate theirselves.”

A .a lack of regard for life among the working class
B .parish officials' ignorance of the risks apprentices faced
C .the employment of children for hazardous tasks
D .the reluctance of young, able-bodied boys to work
E .the use of parish orphans for raising money for the parish
there can be more than one answer


The ideas pointed out by Charles Dickens about British society during the Industrial Revolution in this excerpt from Oliver Twist are:

A .a lack of regard for life among the working class
C .the employment of children for hazardous tasks

Young children were forced to do labor which are unparallel to their age and capacity. Their life is also undervalued.

Which lines in this excerpt from "Address on Woman's Rights" by Elizabeth Cady Stanton show that she believed only women can address the issues that affect them and so they should be given the right to vote?Should that gentleman be present this evening and feel disposed to give any of his objections to our movement, we will be most happy to answer him.

did I not believe that woman herself must do this work—for woman alone can understand the height and the depth, the length and the breadth of her own degradation and woe.

Man cannot speak for us—because he has been educated to believe that we differ from him so materially, that he cannot judge of our thoughts, feelings and opinions by his own

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Among the many important questions which have been brought before the public, there is none that more vitally affects the whole human family than that which is technically termed Woman's rights.


The lines in this excerpt from "Address on Woman's Rights" by Elizabeth Cady Stanton which show that she believed only women can address the issues thataffect them and so they should be given the right to vote are:

did I not believe that woman herself must do this work—for woman alone can understand the height and the depth, the length and the breadth of her own degradation and woe.

Judy began reading along story in a magazine.after reading a page and a half,she stopped reading and tried to guess what would happen next.judy is ________ what will happen in this story.a.juding


Judy began reading along a story in a magazine. After reading a page and a half, she stopped reading and tried to guess what would happen next. Judy is C. Predicting what will happen in the story.

What is the prefix of irresponsible?


A prefix is an affix which is before the word, so "ir" is the prefix of irresponsible.
The prefix of irresponsible is (ir)
ir=is not

In Jane Austen's time, the law dictated that a man's property was inherited by his closest male heir instead of the women in his family. What was this law known as?


B. entailment, This is the law that allowed property to pass to closest male heir
Entailment is the correct answer