Because of the Four Affirmations of Shinto, it is not uncommon for a person who practices Shinto to _____.a.

Have a profession as a fisherman


Bathe often, wash his or her feet, and rinse out the mouth frequently


Debate the merits of other religions with those who doubt Shinto beliefs


Have a rhythmic walk to honor the deities


Answer 1
Answer: Because of the Four Affirmations of Shinto, it is not uncommon for a person who practices Shinto to c)Bathe often, wash his or her feet, and rinse out the mouth frequently. This is because ritual purity is one of the four affirmations of Shintoism, which includes ritual bathing to spiritually and physically cleanse yourself before entering a shrine.

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True statement. Starting on a project at the last minute can increase anxiety.

False statements
Working within a very tight deadline can help you retain knowledge. *Knowledge will not be retained since your brain is very busy trying to catch up and meet the deadline. You do not have the time to fully understand any data thus, once you are done with the project, you tend to forget majority of the knowledge you have gathered.
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Your priority list should start with the smaller, insignificant tasks.
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B. Starting on a project at the last minute can increase anxiety.


took the test got %100


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There is your answer




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