Increasing your vocabulary meansA. you'll spend less time on revision.
B. you'll be able to spend more time reading.
C. you'll write more lively sentences.
D. you'll write longer sentences.


Answer 1
Answer: I'd say the answer is C, because if you know a lot of words, you can use a whole variety of different words, and synonyms, and antonyms, and what not, and that way you will surely make your sentences more lively and interesting. 

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Explain the poem " she walks in beauty" only the first stanza.. Short explanation please


Basically Byron is saying she's beautiful, but not in a really obvious way. her beauty is subtle and soft like the night, not in your face like the brightness of day. 

Flowers are as common here… as people are in London.I'm stuck on finding or making up a sentence example that is similar to this as far as parallel structure. I think the the example shows parallel Independent Clauses.. But I need help on creating a sentence that is similar to that.


Flowers are as common in London. This sentence was the change to the parallel structure.

What is parallel structure?

According to the sentence was the based on the not that the same grammatical structure. The sentence was the word are the changes in the required of the flexible according to the sentence. The sentence was the faulty parallel structure based. The pattern was the similar to the words.

According to the writer, the parallel structure was the part of the sentence formation. The parallel structure, was the based on the word was the similar to the another word. Flowers are as common in London. Both "flowers" and "people" are common in London. It was the belongs to the similar category.

As a result, the sentence was the change to the parallel structure.

Learn more about on parallel structure, here:


im here to help just tell me what to do

Which of these sentences is in active voice?Every day the mailman gets barked at by dogs on the route.

Scott had brought ice cream to the party.

Two tickets for us were left at the door by the director.

The entire pizza was eaten by only two people.


Scott had brought ice cream to the party.

What structural decision does a translator make when translating an original text?a. Character development
b. Word choice
c. Conflict resolution
d. Dialogue


Actually, I am not too sure the question is well phrased. Translators do not decide on character development, conflict resolution or dialogue: they just need to stay faithful to the original text, those decisions are up to the original author.

so the best answer is "word choice", but that's not exactly "structural".

Unless the option of "dialogue" means the word choice in dialogue, but I don't think so.

I would say that a good answer would be "word order" or "grammatical construction".

Answer: word choice

A _______ relationship exists between an employee and a supervisor.


A vertical relationship exists between an employee and a supervisor. A past or a family relationship may exist in specific cases, but this question is about their relationship in general, so those two options cannot be correct. Given that horizontal relationship exists between people who have the same position, this is also incorrect, which leaves us with vertical relationship.

I would like to make a song about my rhymingbut my flow feels all wrong a disaster
its hard getting the right sort of timing
even though I'm a lyrical master

if you haven't recognized the flow yet
you are definitely legally blind
I'm the greatest poet yet and that's a bet
time to make some paper I'm on the grind
*(The rhyme scheme is ABAB and there are ten syllables in each line c: )



