How did lessons learned from World War II influence President Truman’s decision to send troops to aid South Korea after North Korea invaded?


Answer 1
Answer: One of the main ways in which lessons learned from World War II influence President Truman’s decision to send troops to aid South Korea after North Korea invaded was that World War II showed that inaction after a country violated the sovereign rights of another could lead to a prolonged conflict. 
Answer 2


  • War II showed that inaction after a country violated the sovereign rights of another could lead to a prolonged conflict


On June 27, 1950, President Harry S. Truman reports that he is requesting U.S. air and maritime powers to South Korea to help the vote based country in repelling an intrusion by socialist North Korea. The United States was attempted the significant military activity, he clarified, to implement a United Nations goals requiring a conclusion to threats, and to stem the spread of socialism in Asia. Notwithstanding requesting U.S. powers to Korea, Truman likewise sent the U.S. seventh Fleet to Formosa (Taiwan) to make preparations for attack by socialist China and requested a speeding up of military guide to French powers battling socialist guerrillas in Vietnam.

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The most significant cities are Medina, Mecca and Jerusalem. Mecca is home to the Ka'Bah, and only Muslims are allowed to enter. Medina was the final residence of the prophet Muhammed. Jerusalem is also a holy city because of its impact on some Islamic prophets throughout history.

Final answer:

The most significant cities in the history of Islam are Mecca, the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad; Medina, the city that Muhammad migrated to from Mecca and the site of his tomb; and Baghdad, the capital of the Islamic world during the Abbasid Caliphate and a center of learning and culture.


The most significant cities in the history of Islam includeMecca, Medina, and Baghdad.

Mecca is the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad and the location of the Kaaba, the holiest shrine in Islam. Every Muslim is required, if possible, to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.

Medina is where Prophet Muhammad migrated to from Mecca, and it's the site of his tomb. The Prophet's Mosque in Medina is one of the largest mosques in the world.

During the Abbasid Caliphate, Baghdad was the capital of the Islamic world, and it was a centre of learning and culture. The renowned House of Wisdom in Baghdad was an intellectual center where scholars from various cultures and religions came to study and translate texts.

Learn more about Significant Islamic cities here:


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Why did Germany default on its loans from the United States in the 1930s?



After the Treaty of Versailles (1919), the losing Germany of World War I was sentenced to pay war reparations to the allies worth 226,000 million gold marks, an impossible figure, set in order to punish the bellicose nation and to curb a rapid recovery that could be followed by new hostilities. Between 1924 and 1929, the Weimar Republic remained almost exclusively from loans received from the United States (more than one billion dollars), partly destined to defray the aforementioned compensation. But the situation for Germany was untenable, and the crack of 29, in addition to huge losses for the lenders, opened the possibility of debt renegotiation: so, in 1930 (Young Plan), that huge payment obligation was formally left reduced ... in half (112,000 million). Between 1931 and 1932, and given the situation of the world economy, USA. decides to forgive war debts to France and the United Kingdom, who, in turn, renounce as creditors a good part of the German debt. Summing up, in 1932, Germany achieved a net reduction of more than 98% of the debts that forced it to have launched World War I

the answer is Germany's economy, still recovering from World War I, could not generate enough money to pay back the loans.

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The purpose of a Plantation System was basically to "divide land into different areas that are suitable to grow crops." Plantation System was developed in South America which helped establish slavery at the time because the South depended on growing and selling crops which increased the need for agricultural workers.

Hope this helps.

A system of agricultural production based on large-scale land ownership and the exploitation of labor and the environment. This system focused on the production of cash crops and utilized slave labor.

Is the world flat? I'm not sure please give me an explanation if it is or if its not.



No, the world is not flat. Many people believed the world was flat and not in a sphere shape. Christopher Columbus, a world traveler, wanted to know if the world was flat or not because it has been going on for a while. He asked a queen in Spain for 50 crew mates and 4 ships in each. The Queen agreed with him and off Columbus went on his journey.

Later, he found out that the world we're living in now is r=not flat, it's a 3-D sphere shape.

Hope this helps
