What happens when the kinetic energy of molecules increases so much that electrons are released by the atoms, creating a swirling gas of positive ions and negative electrons?


Answer 1
Answer: the answer is d in this case

Answer 2


it's C


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Which is a physical change?A)
burning wood
rusting metal
cooking an egg
freezing water


Freezing water is an example of a physical change

freezing water,answer choice d

Hyperinflation can occur whenconsumers show an interest in purchasing more goods.

producers need more money to make and distribute goods.

companies raise prices to pass on costs to consumers.

the government prints more money and pushes prices up.


Hyperinflation can occur when the government prints more money and pushes prices up. Hence option d is correct.

What is hyperinflation?

Hyperinflation is defined as based on a price growth threshold of, by one definition, 50% each month, and, by another, 1000% per year. If hyperinflation continues, people start to store perishable goods like milk and bread. The economy crumbles as these requirements become scarcer and more expensive. People lose savings as cash loses value.

Hyperinflation is caused by a country's money supply growing quickly, frequently as a result of a government creating more and more currency. As more cash is made available, the value of each unit decreases, driving up costs. Money loses value when prices rise too much because it has less purchasing power due to inflation.

Thus, hyperinflation can occur when the government prints more money and pushes prices up. Hence option d is correct.

To learn more about hyperinflation, refer to the link below:



Hyperinflation can occur when the government prints more money and pushes prices up.

If there are excessive and uncontrolled price increases in any economy, such economy will face situation called Hyperinflation.

in other words, any economy where the prices of goods and services have risen more than 50 percent a month over a certain period of time will experience hyperinflation.

Further Explanation

Hyperinflation can occur if there is excess money in circulation. It commonly occurs when an economy is facing serious depression

Depression can be described as a period of a prolonged contracting economy. Any country facing a period of prolonged contracting economy will experience a negative growth rate.A good example of a negative growth rate is Recession.

Depression can last for many years and always result in the following:

  • High unemployment rate
  • Less lending
  • A decrease in productive output
  • Company liquidating
  • Personal bankruptcies

Effects of hyperinflation

Hyperinflation will result in the devaluation of a country currency in the foreign exchange market and this will make the people minimize the holdings of the local currency and switching to more stable foreign currencies.

However, hyperinflation at some point occurred in some countries' economies.

Some of these countries include

  • Argentina
  • Hungary
  • Germany
  • Russia
  • China



  • hyperinflation
  • economy
  • currency
  • foreign
  • exchange

A substance has a triple point at -24.5 ∘C and 225 mmHg. What is most likely to happen to a solid sample of the substance as it is warmed from -35 ∘C to 0 ∘C at a pressure of 220 mmHg? A substance has a triple point at -24.5 and 225 . What is most likely to happen to a solid sample of the substance as it is warmed from -35 to 0 at a pressure of 220 ? The solid will melt into a liquid, The solid will sublime into a gas, or Nothing (the solid will remain as a solid).



The solid will sublime into a gas


See the phase diagram attached (the diagram is not an exact representation of this case, it is only illustrative). You starts at point A, that is, a point below triple point pressure (220 mmHg is lower than 225 mmHg) and to the left of triple point temperature (-35 °C is lower than -24.5 °C). Then, you move to point B, which is at the same pressure at A but its temperature is to the right of triple point temperature (0°C is greater than -24.5 °C).

this product remains as mercury if it is subatomic

4-heptanone treated with peroxyacetic acid


creates a black substance that then hardens

What causes a gas to exert pressure when confined in a container


the molecules in gas are always trying to expand

Final answer:

When a gas is confined in a container, it exerts pressure due to the collision of its particles with the walls of the container. This is explained by the kinetic theory of gases, which states that gas particles are in constant random motion. Temperature also plays a role in gas pressure.


When a gas is confined in a container, it exerts pressure due to the collision of its particles with the walls of the container. This is explained by the kinetic theory of gases, which states that gas particles are in constant random motion. The more collisions occur per unit time, the higher the pressure of the gas.

For example, if you squeeze a balloon, the gas inside it gets compressed, and the particles collide with the surface of the balloon more frequently, resulting in an increase in pressure.

Another factor that influences gas pressure is the temperature. According to Charles's Law, when the temperature of a gas increases, its particles move faster, leading to more frequent and energetic collisions with the container walls, thereby increasing the pressure.

Learn more about Gas Pressure here:



The atomic mass of an element is 32.07 u and its atomic number is 16. The element forms a simple ion. The ion will most likely have a charge of (A) 1–
(B) 2–
(C) 3+
(D) 1+


Sulfur has mass of 32.07 u and its atomic number is 16. 
Sulfur usually is on -2, +4 or +6 level of oxidation (but it can be also on 5, 3, 2, 1, -1 ).

Out of given choices (B) is the most likely one.