Answer the answers that you know. Answer Each One with The inner planets and the outer planets.

1.How close it is to the sun?

2.Length of the time to orbit the sun.

3.If they have moons,how many?

4.Describe the Surface And Atmosphere.

6.Size of the planet

7.How does it rotates (Direction)

8.If they have rings,How many?

9.The diameter of the planet

10.The temperture of the planet.

11.Does the planet has other names? What are they?

12.Definition of Terrestrial

13.Definition of Jovian


Answer 1
Answer: 1).  Sequence from the Sun:

       Inner planets:

       Outer planets:
2).  The farther a planet is from the sun, the longer it takes
to orbit the sun.  Mercury ... 88 days.  Earth ... 365 days.
                           Jupiter ... 12 years.    Neptune ... 165 years.

3).  Mercury & Venus ... no moons
      Earth - 1
      Mars - 2
     Jupiter -  more than 65

4).  Mercury ... cratered, no atmosphere
      Venus ... cratered, thick cloudy atmosphere
       Mars ... dry, cratered, slight atmosphere, like 1% or Earth's
       Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
                     We can't see any surface.  If any of them even
                     HAS a surface, it's thousands of miles under a
                     thick atmosphere of methane gas.

5).  Missing from the list

6).  Here's a list from the biggest planet to the smallest one.
The numbers in parentheses are the radius of the planet --
half of the diameter:

Jupiter (69,911 km / 43,441 miles) – 1,120% the size of Earth
Saturn (58,232 km / 36,184 miles) – 945% the size of Earth
Uranus (25,362 km / 15,759 miles) – 400% the size of Earth
Neptune (24,622 km / 15,299 miles) – 388% the size of Earth
Earth (6,371 km / 3,959 miles)
Venus (6,052 km / 3,761 miles) – 95% the size of Earth
Mars (3,390 km / 2,460 miles) – 53% the size of Earth
Mercury (2,440 km / 1,516 miles) – 38% the size of Earth

7). At least seven of the planets rotate in the same direction. 
There's something different about one of them ... it may be Uranus
but I'm not sure.  You'll have to look this up.

8).  Saturn has the famous rings, that you can almost see
with only binoculars.
Spacecraft sent to observe the outer planets have detected
very thin rings around Uranus and Neptune.

9).  Included in #6.

10).  I don't have complete info.  Generally, the closer the planet
is to the sun, the hotter it is.  But there are a few exceptions. 
I think Venus ... the second one from the sun, is actually hotter
than Mercury. 

11).  Just about every language has its own name for each planet.

12).  "Terrestrial" means "like Earth" ("Terra").
The terrestrial planets are the ones that have solid surfaces
and are made of rock.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

13).  "Jovian" means "like Jupiter".
Either no solid surface, or very small, inside a big deep gas ball. 
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

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salt water.

sugar water

Which trasformaron of energy takes place when a slingshot launches a stone ?


 transformation of energy that takes place when a slingshot launches a stone is elastic potential energy tokinetic energy.

What is the difference between chemical change and a physical change?



chemical change through chemical process .

physical change means change in dimension.

Final answer:

A chemical change involves a change in the substance's composition, creating new substances with different properties, typically through reactions such as rusting or combustion. In contrast, a physical change alters a substance's form without affecting its composition, as in melting or condensation processes. The processes can also be classified as exothermic (releasing heat) or endothermic (absorbing heat).


The difference between a chemical change and a physical change pertains to the composition of the substance in question. A chemical change always results in the production of a new substance with different properties from the original matter. For example, the formation of rust from iron, or the combustion process in burning, are chemical changes. These result in the creation of substances distinct from the original matter.

On the other hand, physical changes do not affect the composition of the substance, but alter its state or form, such as the melting of ice into water or the condensation of steam into liquid water. These changes, while observable, do not produce new substances, hence maintaining the original properties of the matter.

Physical and chemical changes can also be differentiated based on whether they release or absorb heat, with exothermic processes releasing heat and endothermic processes absorbing heat. For example, the burning of a fuel is an exothermic process, while the operation of a cold pack is an endothermic process.

Learn more about Chemical vs Physical Change here:


Which quantity is a vector quantity?O A.
OB. distance
OC. mass
OD. temperature
O E.


Answer: The answer to the problem is I feel temperature as

Explanation:This is because mesurement of a medium's temperature itself is a SCALAR but when we calculate the temperature increase or decrease in a medium it is known as a VECTOR as it has refers to both the direction of the medium's movement as well as the measurement of the scalar quantity.

Hopefully you got it!!!!

Please help with 1 and 2


Control: The group that does not receive the IV
IV: What the scientist changes
DV: What changes because of the IV

As the mass and volume increases, the densit will
Increase, decrease, or remain the same


We can't tell from the information given.

Density is the RATIO of mass to volume.  So, if mass and volume both
increase but their ratio decreases, then the density decreases.

But if mass and volume both increase and their ratio also increases,
then the density increases.


-- Start with a pile of some kind of substance.
    Mass = 150 grams
    Volume = 100 cm³

    Density = (mass) / (volume) = (150 gm)/(100cm³)  =  1.5 gm/cm³

-- Add 50 grams of mass.  Mass = 200 gm.
    Add 50 cm³ of volume.  Volume = 150cm³.

     Density = (mass) / (volume) = (200 gm)/(150 cm³)  =  1.33 gm/cm³.
                                                                                  Density decreased.

-- To the original pile, add 100 grams of mass.  Mass = 250 gm.
                               add 50 cm³ of volume.  Volume= 150 cm³.

     Density = (mass) / (volume) = (250 gm)/(150 cm³)  =  1.67 gm/cm³.
                                                                            Density increased.

-- To the original pile, add 60 grams of mass.  Mass = 210 gm.
                               add 40 cm³ of volume.  Volume = 140 cm³.

   Density = (mass) / (volume) = (210 gm)/(140 cm³)  =  1.5 gm/cm³.
                                                                         Density no change.
                                                                 Same as the original pile.