What feature of the ocean basin is actually part of the continental crust?


Answer 1
Answer: Continental shelf. The continental shelf has always been thought about as part of the oceanic basin, but it's actually a submerged part of the continental crust.  Continental shelf and continental slope are part of the continental margin that forms the outer edge of a big landmass.

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______ is the final electron acceptor at the end of the electron transport system.Oxygen

Carbon dioxide


i said Oxygen but my teacher said it was wrong need help


Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain in aerobic respirationThe electron transport chain of the mitochondria is the means by which electrons are removed from reduced carrier NADH and transferred to oxygen to yield water.In the cytochrome oxidase complex of the electron transport chain, four electrons interact with a molecule of oxygen and eight hydrogen ions. The four electrons, four of the hydrogen ions and the molecule oxygen are used to form water molecules.In anaerobic respiration the final electron acceptor can be of many types such as Ferric iron which is used by denitrifying bacteria

Phylogenetic trees are also called




Phylogenetic trees are also called cladograms


-A phylogeny, or evolutionary tree, represents the evolutionary relationships among a set of organisms or groups of organisms, called taxa (singular: taxon). The tips of the tree represent groups of descendant taxa (often species) and the nodes on the tree represent the common ancestors of those descendants.

-The root of the tree represents the ancestral lineage, and the tips of the branches represent the descendants of that ancestor. As you move from the root to the tips, you are moving forward in time. When a lineage splits (speciation), it is represented as branching on a phylogeny.

Final answer:

Phylogenetic trees are also called evolutionary trees or phylograms and are used in biology to represent the evolutionary relationships among organisms.


Phylogenetic trees are also called evolutionary trees or phylograms. They are diagrams used in biology to represent the evolutionary relationships among organisms or groups of organisms.

Learn more about Phylogenetic trees here:



Brad is testing three solutions with litmus paper after dipping strips in the solutions he observes two papers turning blue and one turning red out of the three solutions how many are acidic


Out of the three, only 1 is acidic because litmus paper turns red in acidic compounds and blue in basic compounds.

What is the role of sensory neurons in the breakdown of food?


Sensory neurons sense the presence of food then relay the information to the brain so that food can be moved and digested in the digestive tract.
it digest the carbohydrates in the digestive tract, also telling the body to produce saliva and to chew the food. 

Researchers performing __________ insert a weak electric current into the brain to stimulate it. A. lesioning B. ESB C. EEG


The correct answer is option B. ESB.

The ESB is the technique referred to as electric stimulation of the brain. The electric stimulation of the brain is used for the inhibition or the activation of the brain. This technique is used to treat the conditions, such as Parkinson's disease. In the ESB technique, a weak electric current is applied to the brain, which help in the stimulation of the brain activity (either activation or deactivation).

It is B. ESB 
hope that helps.

How do active and passive transport differ? is osmosis active or passive


Well, the cell membrane is full of a bunch of little holes. Sort of like a coffee filter.

What does a coffee filter do? Well, you put the coffee in it and run water through it. Then what?

The water is small enough to pass through the filter and bring some of the coffee with it. But the coffee grains are too big to pass through the filter. If we really wanted the coffee grains to get through the filter, we could force them through. Do you want chunks in your coffee? Eww. 

Now the cell membrane is the same way, the little things (water, carbon dioxide, oxygen, sugar) are all small enough to fit through the tiny holes in the cell membrane. This is called, "Passive Transport". Because the things can passively float their way in and out of the cell.

Now some other things are too big to fit through, so to make them fit, the cell has to use energy to open itself a little bit more to let them in. This is called, "Active Transport". Because the cell needs to be active and use energy to let those things in.

Now Osmosis is the transfer of water and salts (basically) throughout the cell.
Both Salt and Water are small enough to fit through the Cell Membrane using "Passive Transport".

I've posted this same response earlier, and it is my writing.

Answer: Passive Transport - Taking the Easy Road. While active transport requires energy and work, passive transport does not. There are several different types of this easy movement of molecules. It could be as simple as molecules moving freely such as osmosis or diffusion.