Which event's led to the decline of the Inca Empire. A.
Pizarro sailed down the west coast of South America to Peru.

Disease and civil war ravaged the Inca Empire.

The Spanish sent messages of peace and friendship to the Inca.

The Inca learned from the Aztecs’ mistakes and killed every Spaniard they encountered.

Pizarro took Atahualpa hostage and then had him executed.


Answer 1
Answer: B. DISEASE AND CIVIL WAR RAVAGED THE INCA EMPIRE. This led to the decline of the Inca Empire.

The civil war weakened the military of the Inca Empire. Thus, when Pizarro arrived to conquer them, they did not have enough number or strength to fight back. Pizarro also took their Inca Leader captive and killed him after receiving the ransom he demanded. With a dead leader and depleted resources, the Inca Empire gradually declined when Pizarro killed every Inca which took him 40 years to completely annihilate the race.
Answer 2

B. and  E. marked the downfall of the Inca empire, for obvious reasons. Disease and civil war would obviously kill the empire, and taking an important leader would also mark great chaos within the empire. A. and C. are not to be ignored however, considering that maintaining peaceful relationships with the Spaniards only brought death and chaos to the Aztecs, all from the Spaniards.

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Persian Gulf War


Saddam Hussein requested the intrusion and control of neighboring Kuwait toward the beginning of August 1990. Frightened by these activities, individual Arab powers, for example, Saudi Arabia and Egypt approached the United States and other Western countries to mediate. Hussein opposed United Nations Security Council requests to pull back from Kuwait by mid-January 1991, and the Persian Gulf War started with a gigantic U.S.- drove air hostile known as Operation Desert Storm. Following 42 days of persevering assaults by the partnered alliance noticeable all around and on the ground, U.S. President George H.W. Shrubbery announced a truce on February 28; at that point, most Iraqi powers in Kuwait had either surrendered or fled. In spite of the fact that the Persian Gulf War was at first thought about an unfit accomplishment for the global alliance, stewing strife in the harried locale prompted a second Gulf War that started in 2003.

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Russia but the better answer would be Soviet union