What is the most important simlarity between rusting and burning?


Answer 1
Answer: Both are oxidation reactions.  Burning is just a lot faster than rusting.

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 2 KClO₃=  2 KCl + 3 O₂

2 moles KClO₃ -------> 3 moles O₂
3.98 moles KClO₃ -----> ?

moles O₂ = 3.98 x 3 / 2

moles O₂ = 11.94 / 2

= 5.97 moles of O₂

hope this helps!

Whh is most carbon compound poor conductor of electricity



Most of the carbon compound are convalent in nature and all of the electrons participates in bond formation as such there is no free electrons left to conduct electricity. Moreover carbon compound doesn't readily dissociates to form ions, which conduct electricity. Hence carbon compound are poor conductor of electricity.


It is because all the valence electrons are used to form covalent bonds. So, there will be no electrons left to flow the electric current through them.


hope it helps

HELP PLEASE. Predict the new element formed when u-238 undergoes 2 alpha decay, 1 beta decay, and 1 gamma radiation. Write nuclear equation.


This hypothetical process would produce actinium-230.


An alpha decay reduces the atomic number of a nucleus by two and its mass number by four.

There are two types of beta decay: beta minus β⁻ and beta plus β⁺.

The mass number of a nucleus stays the same in either process. In β⁻ decay, the atomic number increases by one. An electron e⁻ is produced. In β⁺ decay, the atomic number decreases by one. A positron e⁺ is produced. Positrons are antiparticles of electrons.

β⁻ are more common than β⁺ in decays involving uranium. Assuming that the "beta decay" here refers to β⁻ decay.

Gamma decays do not influence the atomic or mass number of a nucleus.

Uranium has an atomic number of 92. 238 is the mass number of this particular isotope. The hypothetical product would have an atomic number of 92 - 2 ⨯ 2 + 1 = 89. Actinium has atomic number 89. As a result, the product is an isotope of actinium. The mass number of this hypothetical isotope would be 238 - 2 ⨯ 4 = 230. Therefore, actinium-230 is produced.

The overall nuclear reaction would involve five different particles. On the reactant side, there is

  • one uranium-238 atom.

On the product side, there are

  • one actinium-230 atom,
  • two alpha particles (a.k.a. helium-4 nuclei),
  • one electron, and
  • one gamma particle (a.k.a. photon).

\;_{\phantom{2}92}^(238) \text{U} \to \;_{\phantom{2}89}^(230) \text{Ac} + \;_(2)^(4) \text{He} + \;_(2)^(4) \text{He} + \text{e}^(-) + \gamma

Consider: what would be the products if the nucleus undergoes a β⁺ decay instead?

David says, "Pure honey has nothing else added." Susan says ,"The honey is not really pure. It is mixture of many subsatnces . Who is right? Explain your answer.


Really, both David and Susan are right; they were using the term "pure" in different ways. David likely meant "pure honey" in the sense that the honey was not altered or had any additives. Susan used pure as in a "pure substance" in chemistry. Susan is also right, because honey is a medley of carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, and vitamins and minerals. Chemically, honey is not a pure substance- it's a mixture.

What do you mean by metallic bond?





Metallic Bond is basically a electrostatic force of attraction between the metal ions which are arranged in a lattice(Lattice is a regular repeating pattern) and the free electrons floating around the metal ions.



1- Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity

2- Metals are ductile

3- Metals are malleable

4- Metals are solid at room temperature

5- Metals Possess Metallic luster


Which list of elements is arranged in order of increasing atomic radii?(1) Li, Be, B, C (3) Sc, Ti, V, Cr(2) Sr, Ca, Mg, Be (4) F, Cl, Br, I


Elements which are arranged in increasing order of atomic radii are F,Cl,Br, I.

What is atomic radius ?

Atomic radius is defined as the distance  between nucleus of an atom and the valence electrons.In a group, atomic radii increases up to down as electrons are added in the next successive shell which increases the size of atom.

In a period, as electrons are added to the same shell the force of attraction between nucleus and valence electrons increases as a result of which atom tend to shrink resulting in decrease in atomic size.

As fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine are present in the same group their atomic size increases as new shells are added from top to bottom of periodic table., while for the elements given in other options they are present in same period or in different  group and hence do not show an gradual increase in atomic radii.

Learn more about atomic radius,here:



Answer: F,Cl,Br,l

Explanation:these elements  are all part of group 17