In which of the following materials is the velocity of light greatesta. Water
B. Fused quartz
C. Air
D. Crown
d. glass


Answer 1

Penn Foster Students:  air

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The material through which a mechanical wave travels is


A mechanical wave is a disturbance in matter that transfers energy through the matter.

Final answer:

Mechanical waves require a medium to travel through, such as a solid, liquid, or gas.


Mechanical waves require a medium through which they can travel. The medium can be a solid, liquid, or gas. Examples of mechanical waves include water waves, sound waves, and seismic waves.

Learn more about Mechanical waves here:


Moons orbit planets and planets orbit theSun.  Is Kepler’s constant the same for both


What Kepler's constant ? ? ! ?

The only constant in Kepler's laws is in the third one, where it says something to the
effect that (square of a body's period) / (cube of its distance from the central body)
is a constant.

That means it's a constant for multiple little ones orbiting the same central body.
But it's not the same constant for other central bodies.

It's one constant for the planets, asteroids, and comets orbiting the sun.

It's a different constant for the moon, TV satellites, weather satellites,
and military satellites orbiting the Earth.

6. A skydiver jumps out of a plane and reaches a terminal velocity (maximum speed) of 50 m/s after5 seconds. After an additional 10 seconds she opens her parachute and slows down for 2 seconds to a
new terminal velocity of 10 m/s. She falls at that speed for 3 seconds before landing on the ground.
Sketch the following graphs:
Position vs. Time
Velocity vs. Time
Acceleration vs. Time


Final answer:

During freefall, the position and velocity of the skydiver increase at a constant rate until reaching terminal velocity. After opening the parachute, the position and velocity decrease to a new terminal velocity. The acceleration is constant during freefall and becomes negative when the parachute slows the skydiver down.


Position vs. Time:

During the first 5 seconds, the skydiver is in freefall and her position increases at a constant rate. After opening the parachute, her position still increases but at a slower rate due to the decrease in terminal velocity. When the parachute slows her down, the position increases at a slower rate again. The position remains constant during the final 3 seconds as the skydiver lands on the ground.

Velocity vs. Time:

During the freefall, the velocity of the skydiver steadily increases until it reaches the terminal velocity of 50 m/s. After opening the parachute, the velocity decreases to the new terminal velocity of 10 m/s. The velocity remains constant until the skydiver lands.

Acceleration vs. Time:

At the start of the jump, the skydiver experiences a constant acceleration due to gravity. After reaching terminal velocity, the acceleration becomes zero since there is no net force acting on the skydiver. When the parachute is opened, the skydiver experiences a negative acceleration due to air resistance, slowing down until the new terminal velocity is reached. The acceleration then becomes zero until the skydiver lands.

Learn more about Skydiver's motion here:


true or falsethe precision of calculated answers is limited by the least precise measurement used in the calculation


That's true, you can't get any more precise than what's measured to the least precision.

How do the locations of frequent earthquakes help support the theory of plate tectonics?a. They shake the top layer of the earth.
b. They create large rifts in the earth.
c. They occur along the edges of the tectonic plates.
d. They alter the topography of the surface of the earth. Please help


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "c. They occur along the edges of the tectonic plates." Frequent Earthquakes occur along the edges of tectonic plates and therefore show that these fault lines are in constant motion. supporting the theory of plate tectonics.

Calculate the man’s mass. (Use PE = m × g × h, where g = 9.8 N/kg.)A man climbs a wall that has a height of 8.4 meters and gains a potential energy of 4,620 joules. His mass is about







make msubject of the formula...

m =4620/(9.8×8.4)

