Which of the following singular nouns does not form an irregular plural?A. Ox
b. Tooth
c. Mouse
d. Tree


Answer 1
Answer: The question is asking us "Which of the following singular nouns does not form an irregular plural?". So let's see the plurals of the words:A. Ox Plural : oxenb. Tooth Plural: teethc. Mouse Plural: miced. Tree plural : trees. Trees is formed in a regular way, adding an "s" at the end - so this is the correct answer!
Answer 2

The answer is d. Hope it helps

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C. members of the previous government
D. leaders of countries fighting against Britain


The speech titled We Shall Fight on the Beaches is addressed to the people of Great Britain. In this speech, Churchill describes great military disaster and possible Nazi invasion. Despite difficulties, he was cheerful and hailed the nation towards the victory in the end.

"Citizens of great Britain" is the audience among the choices given in the question that the passage most likely target. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option or option "A". I hope that this is the answer that has actually come to your desired help.

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Answer: A. Beliefs.

Explanation: The connotation of a word is the meaning given by the context or even by the readers, based on their emotions or personal experiences, it is the antonym of denotation, which is the literal meaning of a word, the one that we can find in a dictionary. In the given excerpt from "Anti-Federalist Paper No. 84" we can see that the word "sentiments" is used to express the idea of collecting the beliefs of the people of America (beliefs is the connotation), so the correct answer is option A.

A. Beliefs 
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B. Tone is the narrator’s attitude, whereas the mood is the feeling established.
C. Mood is determined by the author; tone is determined by the reader.
D. Tone and mood are both determined by the author.


The answer to that is B

Answer: yes the answer is B i went and double checked for you some people will just put random answers


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The answer is trident
D . trident .. .

 which word does not imply a steep surface issss, D trident .

 - hope this helpss
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