Water changes shape to fill the shape of its container. what is the best explanation for this ?


Answer 1
Answer: The answer would be that it is a liquid. It does not have a definite shape. That is why is takes the shape of what ever container it fits into. 

Answer 2
Answer: Liquids don't have a definite shape so that means it does not take shape of its contaner but, solids do for example when you put water in a bown and freeze it up then it will stay there. Hope i helped :D

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See the explanation below


This happens because the coffee was at rest, at the time when the car accelerates to move forward the container containing the coffee also accelerates in the same direction, the liquid when moving suddenly spills. The same will happen if the car slows down, any sudden movement changes will cause the coffee to spill, understood by sudden movements when it accelerates or slows down.


This happens because of inertia.


Inertia is the ability of a body to remain in its state of rest or relative movement, while an external force is not acting on it.

It is when a body objects to modifying its state of relative rest or movement, including the speed and direction in which this happens.

When a car accelerates, a cup of coffee sitting in a cup-holder spills out onto the rear seats, because it has left its state of rest due to the acceleration force of the car.

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The difference between metal and non-metal in terms of condition is explained below.


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  • Apart from free electrons, there are phonons in metals as well as non-metals. Non-metals hold a confined amount of thermal conductivity only due to Phonons and Lattice vibrations.
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120 J


KE = mv²/2 = (0.15 kg * [40 m/s]²)/2 = 120 J


120 J


KE = 1/2 mv²

KE = 1/2 (0.15)(40)²

KE = 1/2 (0.15)(1600)

KE = 1/2 (240)

KE = 120 J

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