If The dimensions of a brick that weighs 25N are 0.19m x 0.07m x 0.095m. What pressure does the brick exert on the ground if it is resting on its largest face?


Answer 1
Answer: 1 newton per square meter = 1 pascal of pressure.

The largest face of the brick is (0.19 x 0.095) = .01805 square meter

25N/0.01805 = 1,385 newtons per square meter = 1,385 pascal  = 1.385 kPa

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A. The bicycle and the rider undergo translation.


When a rider is riding his bicycle along the road, the wheels of the bicycle will rotate. This rotation of wheels translates both the rider and the bicycle in space.

So the correct answer is option A

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hope this help

Convert 0.000238 m to cm



0.0238 centimetre


multiply the length value by 100

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Here's the rule you need to know
in order to answer this question:

                     1 full circle ==> 360 degrees .

Got that ?

Now you could set up a proportion:

     (30 degrees) / (0.01 second)  =  (360 degrees) / (time for full period)

Cross-multiply the proportion:

     (30°) · (period)  =  (360°) · (0.01 sec)

Divide each side by (30°) :    Period = (360° · 0.01 sec) / (30°)

                                                     =  (3.6° · sec) / (30°)

                                                     =  (3.6 / 30)  sec

                                                     =      0.12  sec .

Another way to look at it:

30°        takes    0.01 second
60°        takes    0.02 second
90°        takes    0.03 second
120°      takes    0.04 second
150°      takes    0.05 second
180°      takes    0.06 second
210°      takes    0.07 second
240°      takes    0.08 second
270°      takes    0.09 second
300°      takes    0.10 second
330°      takes    0.11 second
360°      takes   0.12 second

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too soon, and the beginning of Spring (and every other season) would
eventually drift into the months after March.

If our calendar always had 366 days, then the year would end and re-start
too late, and the beginning of Spring (and every other season) would
eventually drift into the months before March.

We can't make calendars with an extra quarter-day in each year.  But we
keep them lined up with the real year by saving up the quarters, and adding
one full day to the calendar every 4 years.

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