What is the hottest layer in the Sun's atmosphere? photosphere corona core radiative zone chromosphere convective zone


Answer 1
Answer: The hottest layer in Sun's atmosphere is the Corona.The sun's atmosphere is composed of three main layers.1. Photosphere- the lowest layer and closest in distance from the the sun's core. It has an average temperature of 5,800 degrees Kelvin. It usually appears granulated and bubbly, like a simmering pot of water.2.Chromosphere- extends above the photosphere to about 2000 km. Its temperature is 4,500 - 10,000 degrees Kelvin.3. Corona - outermost layer of the sun, extending several million kilometers outward from the chromosphere into space. The average temperature averages 2 million degrees Kelvin. It is thought the sun's magnetism is the reason that the corona is so hot.
Answer 2

What is the hottest layer in the Sun's atmosphere?


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Technological advances in transportation have come about in response to the depletion of fossil fuels and other negative aspects of the internal combustion engine. There are many positives to these advancements, but there are also some negatives. Which statement is a negative aspect of these advancements?A) These advancements use renewable resources like corn.
B) These advancements do not contribute to the greenhouse effect.
C) These advancements use cleaner fuels thereby reducing pollution.
D) These advancements are very expensive and not available to everyone.


Technical advancements in transportation are very expensive and not available to everyone.

What is technical advancements in transportation?

A revolution is currently taking place in transportation technology. While new ideas are ready to completely transform how we move, new technologies are increasing the effectiveness of existing transportation techniques.

The newest transportation revolution has seen a growth in different technologies.

  1. The Internet of Things: The Internet of Things is predicated on the idea that all objects and people can be networked together. Route planning, accident prevention, and safety can be easily taken care by using internet.
  2. Autonomous Cars:  Autonomous vehicle technology is expected to advance and eventually replace human drivers as a safer option that also has additional economic and environmental advantages.
  3. Lightweight Vehicle Materials: Moving away from cast iron and steel is the main goal of research into lightweight materials. The most likely replacements for these metals in the near future are carbon fiber construction and magnesium-aluminum alloys.

Although these modern technologies are established to be environmental friendly, These advancements are very expensive and not available to everyone. This is one among the disadvantages of  technological advances in transportation.

Learn more about transports here:




Option D


These advancements are very expensive and not available to everyone. The others are positive aspects of these advancements in transportation.

A car travels 15 kilometers west in 10 minutes. After reaching the destination, the car travels back to the starting point, again taking 5 minutes. What is the average velocity of the car?A. 0 meters/seconds
B. 1.0 meters/seconds
C. 1.5 meters/seconds
D. 2.0 meters/seconds


Speed = (distance traveled) / (time to travel the distance).
Strange as it may seem, 'velocity' is completely different. 

Velocity doesn't involve the total distance traveled at all. 
Instead, 'velocity' is based on 'displacement' ... the distance
between the start-point and end-point, regardless of the route
taken to get there.  So the displacement in driving once around
any closed path is zero, because you end up where you started. 

Velocity =

           (displacement during some time)
divided by
            (time for the displacement)

AND the direction from the start-point to the end-point.

For the guy who drove 15 km to his destination in 10 min, and then
back to his starting point in 5 min, (assuming he returned by way of
the same 15-km route):

         Speed = (15km + 15km) / (10min + 5min)  =  (30/15) (km/min)

                                                                                 =  2 km/min.

        Velocity = (end location - start position) / (15 min)  =  Zero .

how do you describe and determine the direction of the magnetic field produced by an electric current?



the magnet or electric current produces a magnetic field


this magnetic field can be visualized as a pattern of a circular field lines surrounding a wire. hall probes can determine the magnitude of the field

hope it helps you

Two factors affect the speed of a sound wave as it travels through a medium


Answer: The density and the temperature


Sound needs a medium to travel. The medium particles vibrate and transfer energy. Sound travels by compression and rarefaction of the medium particles. Thus, the speed of the sound varies with the density of the medium. If the medium is denser, the particles would be closer and energy would transmitted faster because there would be more rapid collisions which means that speed of the sound will be greater in a denser medium.Thus, speed of sound is fastest in solids than in liquids and is least in gases.

Speed of sound also depends on temperature. Greater the temperature, the particles would vibrate faster which would lead to again more inter particle collisions. Thus, the speed of sound would increase with increase in temperature.

The density of the medium and temperature affect the speed of sound waves.

What affect does doubling the net force have on the acceleration of the object (whenthe mass of the object stays the same)? Identify a set of two trials that support your answer to question 1


Answer: The acceleration doubles



Consider a mass of 10 kg, so m = 10

Let's say we apply a net force of 20 newtons, so F = 20

The acceleration 'a' is...

F = ma

20 = 10a

20/10 = a

2 = a

a = 2

The acceleration is 2 m/s^2. Every second, the velocity increases by 10 m/s.


Now let's double the net force on the object

F = 20 goes to F = 40

m = 10 stays the same

F = ma

40 = 10a

10a = 40

a = 40/10

a = 4

The acceleration has also doubled since earlier it was a = 2, but now it's a = 4.


In summary, if you double the net force applied to the object, then the acceleration doubles as well.

Acceleration is directly proportional to the net force on an object, and inversely proportional to its mass.

So if an object's mass stays the same while the net force on it doubles, then its acceleration will also double.

We don't know anything about the "trials".  This sounds like it might be a follow-up to a lab experiment that was performed when we weren't there.

We also don't know anything about "question 1".

What is the design process (Engineering Design Process) 5 sentences


The design process is a approach taken to tackle projects into manageable sections.