To preview the content of a website and to choose which path to follow, which navigation tool should you use?A. scrollover
B. ctrl F
C. cmd F
D. search engine


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is A) you should use scrollover to preview the content of a website and to choose which path to follow.
Answer 2
the right answer is a or f but i think it is a more than f

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Answer: D) The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

Explanation: From the given options, the passage from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address that best supports Lincoln's idea that the fight for freedom will be remembered by future generations and is worth the sacrifice; is the corresponding to option D, because it says that even if the world (future generations) doesn't remember what they said, they will remember what they did (the sacrifice they made for freedom).

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The territory of a caliph is called a(n) _____.


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i got a quiz on it and got it right

1. “Kugler, Ferdinand was a thief before his tenth year and an inveterate liar.” a.habitual
d. entertaining

2. “But really, why don’t You…why don’t You Yourself do the judging?” Kugler asked pensively.
d. thoughtfully

3. “The council has forbidden itinerant entertainers to stop on municipal property.

5. [We] … began to talk about the weather again, … and other banal and insoluble questions.

6. "Though another of Mohammed’s commandments—the one on alcoholic drinks—was broken (and without constraint, as I know now) no latitude was allowed with regard to pork."


7. The people in Eugene Ionesco’s story start to turn into _________
a. wingspanroaches.
b. monkeys.
c. rhinoceroses.
d. giraffes.

8. The “black sheep” in Italo Calvino’s fable causes problems because he is __________
a. honest.
d. cruel.

9. Andrei Voznesensky compares a young girl’s first disappointment to “First _______”

10. The Muslim narrator in “Forbidden Fruit” prides himself on his _______

True or False
11. In “The Last Judgment,” a murderer learns that he will receive not divine but human justice.
12. Boris Pasternak was allowed to accept the Nobel Prize for Doctor Zhivago when it was awarded.


Europe II Unit Test multiple choice: 1. defied 2. habitual 3. thoughtfully 4. traveling 5. trite 6. leeway 7. rhinoceroses 8. honest 9. Frost 10. abstinence 11. true 12. false 13. simple sentence 14. complex sentence 15. compound sentence 16. adverbial clause 17. noun clouse 18. independent clause 19. adjectival clause

(The first 5 questions: "Choose the word that defines the word in bold.") 1)a "Inveterate" means having a rooted habit, whcih is "habitual". 2)d "Pensively" means being in deep thought, meditating about an issue: "thoughtfully" is therefore the right word. 3)d "Itinerant" comes from the latin "itinerari", to travel or to journey. 5)a "Banal" is the oppposite of the other choices, since it means a trifle, superficial or simple issue. 6)c "Latitude" in this case means a freedom, space for (re)action, so the only right term is "leeway". 7)c The play which the question is asking about is entitled "Rhinoceros", symbol of the hidden irrational beast inside human beings. 8)a He is honest (explicitly depicted as such), creating problems in a criminal environment; he is not gullible as he is aware of the consequences of his decision, his honesty was what altered the system. 9)c First frost or first ice, in the last stanza the girl's disappointment is explicitly called "first frost". 10)d (Referring to Iskander's Forbidden Fruit)The narrator faithfully abstains himself from eating pork, and is proud about this. 11)True (Referring to Karel Capek's The Last Judgement) This story is a serious "parody" in which God is depicted not as a judge, but as a witness; human justice is therefore still ironically observed. 12)False The Soviet Union forbid him from receiving the reward (although he did initially accept it).

Planning a writing project involves determining:A. how to best research your topic.
B. main points, supporting ideas, and the order of your ideas.
C. where in the library the best materials can be found.
D. purpose, medium, and audience.


Planning a writing project involves determining main points, supporting ideas, and the order of your ideas. Before beginning the project one should make the detailed steps how the project should be planned step by step.Then steps to be followed should be summarised in point form then arrange all the process and continue to write the project.

Planning a writing project involves determining main points, supporting ideas, and the order of your ideas. The correct answer is B.  


Planning is an important part of a writing project. During the process of planning a writing project, you have to determine the main points of your writing, the supporting ideas of your writing, and the order of your ideas. Before everything, deciding what is the idea, the main points, and the supporting ideas. After that, you can decide what is the purpose of your writing, the medium on how you will publish your writing, and who is the audience. Once you have decided all of this, you can start to write.  

When you have started to write, you might need resources to develop your ideas and find the supporting ideas of your main topic. Thus, when you are in the middle of your writing, you can choose which library has the best sources you need. The local library or national library might be the best choice to find the best materials. In a good library, good materials can be found. School library might also be a good choice when you write about school material or any kind of topic which are related to academic.  

Last, what about the option of how to best research your paper? Isn’t is included in a writing project plan? Researching your paper is included in the process of writing. When you write, you have to make sure that your topic is interesting and have enough sources to support the ideas. Thus, in the middle of writing, you can research your paper. I hope it helps!  


If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:

1. What is a good question for a writer to ask when analyzing an audience before writing?  

2. Sasha just read a writing prompt, and she is not sure what to write about. In order to write a strong essay, Sasha should first?

KEYWORDS: planning a writing project, planning, writing project, writing  

Subject: English

Class: 10-12

Sub-chapter: Writing project  

Read the lines spoken by the messenger: "Fate raises up, And Fate casts down the happy and the unhappy alike." How does Sophocles use figurative language in these lines?a. He addresses Fate as if it can reply.
b. He describes Fate as fickle.
c. He personifies Fate as a powerful person.
d. He compares Fate to a wheel in motion.


C. He personifies fate as a powerful person

I also think that the answer is C.