How are proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides similar?A) They contain the same atoms and types of bonds between atoms.
B) They are natural polymers composed of repeating monomeric units.
C) They are formed during exergonic metabolic reactions in a cell.
D) They have characteristics similar to the elements making them up.


Answer 1


B) They are natural polymers composed of repeating monomeric units.


A polymer is a chemical molecule formed by many repeating units (monomers). A protein consists of many amino acids (monomers of proteins) joined together through peptide bonds that form a long chain, in the case of lipids, the monomers are fatty acids and glycerol and finally, in polysaccharides, simple sugars are the repeating units.

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Answer 2

proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides are similar in the way that they are natural polymers composed of repeating monomeric units. Correct option is B.

Proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides are all biological macromolecules that share the characteristic of being natural polymers composed of repeating monomeric units.

Proteins are composed of amino acids, which are the monomeric units. Amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds to form polypeptide chains, which then fold into complex three-dimensional structures to perform various functions in cells.

Lipids, although not strictly polymers in the same way as proteins or polysaccharides, can be considered as macromolecules. They are composed of various hydrophobic molecules, such as fatty acids and glycerol. Lipids are characterized by their hydrophobic nature and are involved in functions such as energy storage, insulation, and forming cell membranes.

To know more about polysaccharides:


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In organisms during cell division, DNA is present in packaged structure called "chromosomes" with a constriction point called the centromere giving X-shape to the chromosomes. This forms a complete set of chromosome.The number of chromosomes present in the nucleus of the cell is known as ploidy number represented by "n".

Based on the number of chromosomes, cell is usually divided into: Haploid cell and diploid cell.

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Diploid cells (2n): are the cells with 2 sets or pair of chromosomes like somatic cells.

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A viral genome is studied. It is composed of 33% Adenine, 28% Thymine, 22% Cytosine and 17% Guanine. Predict whether this genome is single or double stranded and whether it is DNA or RNA based.A) The genome is DNA based and single stranded.

B) The genome is DNA based and double stranded.

C) The genome is RNA based and single stranded.

D) The genome is RNA based and double stranded.



A) The genome is DNA based and single stranded.


The reason why it is DNA based is because DNA contains thymine base (T). It is not RNA based because RNA contains uracil base (U) instead of thymine and in the given question there is not uracil mentioned.

It is single stranded because according to Chargaff's rule a double stranded nucleic acid must have the ratio of purine bases to pyrimidine ratio as 1:1.

Adenine (A) & Guanine (G) are purine bases while Thymine (T) & Cytosine (C) are pyrimidine bases so according to Chargaff's rule AG/CT = ~ 1. It means [A+G] = [C+T]

Also, A makes interaction with T while C makes interaction G. It means,

[A] = [T]

[C] = [G]

By this we can easily infer that a double stranded DNA will have as much A as much it has T & same goes with C & G.

But, in the given question, A = 33% while Thymine = 28% which are not equal so this means that this molecule is single stranded.


Explanation: RNA contains the nucleotide “Uracil” therefore this could not be RNA and the percentages closely match up therefore we can assume that the DNA is double stranded I.e. Double helix