Before the Renaissance, virtually all dramas focused on A. family relationships.
B. religious themes.
C. the human condition.
D. life-and-death plots.


Answer 1
Answer: B. religious themes.

Then during Renaissance, dramatists began writing about everyday people. The correct option in regards to the given question is option "b". before the Renaissance period, the dramatists used to mostly concentrate on writing about religion. The Renaissance period of Europe is considered to be between the 14th and the 17th century. It is actually the period that is sometimes referred to as the bridge between the middle ages and the modern age. This phenomenon actually started in Italy as the cultural movement and later spread like a fire to all parts of Europe. There is a definite consensus among people that the Renaissance started in Florence of Italy in the 14th century.
Answer 2

Religious themes

Further Explanation:

Renaissance is the painting, sculpture, and part of decorative arts that belonged to the period of European history and this art emerged as a distinct style in Italy during the 1400s. But before the period of renaissance, there was the development of religious themes that preoccupied painters from the period of Italian renaissance and during this era, the artist had more freedom in regards to subject and styles of painting as compared to the medieval painter.  

The religious themes were tied to the present where the ruler acts as a portrait of visiting emperor of Byzantium who is also called “Scourging”. Outside of that, there are three men standing who represent the ones who buried Christ. There are certain characteristics that have evolved over the last period of time which are related to a renaissance painting.  

Learn More:

1. the impact of Furman v. Georgia (1972) was that states had to promise to use the death penalty only with approval from the supreme court. throw out the old Miranda warning and write a new one. agree to throw out all state laws regarding crime and impose national standards. create clear standards to be applied fairly before imposing the death penalty.

2. what is the proper order for how a bill passes through the house?

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Religious Themes

Subject: English



Renaissance, Religious Themes, Medieval, Painters, History, Italian renaissance, Buried, Christ, Evolved.  

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