which of the following substances diffuses faster in a beaker filled with water  a drop of honey or drop of red ink


Answer 1
Answer: red ink since the substance is has a lower viscosity

Answer 2
Answer: red ink because it is more soluble in water than honey.

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El número de electrones en uno átomo es igual al número de protones. El número de neutrones es el diferencia entre el número másico del átomo y el número atómico. Usted debe aprender esta fórmula en caso de que sea en un examen o una prueba. ¡Puedes hacerlo!

Which electron configuration represents the electrons in an atom of Ga in an excited state?


The ground state is the lowest energy state of an atom while the excited state is any state that is higher than the ground state. Since the ground state configuration of Ga is 2-8-18-3 then the electron configuration of Ga in an excited state is represented by 2-8-17-4. In order to achieve the excited state an electron has to be promoted.

Final answer:

An excited state electron configuration of Gallium (Ga) might be [Ar] 4s2 3d9 4p2, as this configuration represents an electron having absorbed energy and moved from the 3d to the 4p level.


The electron configuration of an atom in its ground state is the arrangement of electrons in the lowest possible energy levels (the 'normal' arrangement). For the element Gallium (Ga), the ground state electron configuration is [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p1. However, when an atom is in an excited state, one or more electrons have absorbed energy and moved to a higher energy level. An electron configuration for an excited state of Gallium might look like [Ar] 4s2 3d9 4p2 as an electron from the 3d level has absorbed energy and moved to the higher 4p level.

Learn more about Excited State Electron Configuration here:



Over-encouraging lesser skilled players can lead to embarrassment.
a. True
b. False


Answer: Option (a) is correct.


A person with less skills needs to work more or practice more on his abilities in order to improve their athletic ability to build a stronger team.

Over encouragement to lesser skilled person can lead to the development of over confidence. As after over encouragement, the less skilled person can have the illusion of knowing each and everything which is not true for anyone.

As no one is perfect, therefore, over-encouraging lesser skilled players can lead to embarrassment.

My answer would be a. True

What is a chemical solution and what are the names of its components?



A chemical solution is defined as a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. There are two components of chemical solution that include solute and solvent.

Solute is the component that get dissolved in another substance and solvent is the substance that dissolve solute.

For example:  carbon dioxide in water. Where carbon-dioxide is solute and water is solvent.

Calculate the pH of an acetic acid solution, originally 0.25 M, in water. The pKa for acetic acid = 4.76. Use the x-is-small approximation. Enter your answer with two digits after the decimal point.



Initial concentration of acetic acid (CH3COOH_initial): 0.25 M

pKa for acetic acid: 4.76

Assume x is the concentration of H+ ions formed through dissociation.

CH3COOH ⇌ x (due to dissociation)

Apply the x-is-small approximation: We assume x is much smaller than the initial concentration of acetic acid (0.25 M). Therefore, we can neglect x in comparison to 0.25 M.

Calculate pH using the pKa equation:

Rounded to two decimal places, the pH of the acetic acid solution is approximately 2.68.


Id like to know is it bakudeku or bakukiri?







BakuKiri I think is canon


Cause th crator made it like that :v