What is indirect characterization


Answer 1
Answer: Characterizationis the process when the writer reveals the character’s personality. It couldeither be through characterization or indirect characterization. DirectCharacterization explicitly tells the character’s personality to the audience whileIndirect Characterization sublimely reveals things that show the character’spersonality and its up to the audience on how they interpret the character’soverall getup. Methods could be through: what the character say/speak of,private thoughts & feelings, character effects on others, the way characterdoes things and how the character looks like.
Answer 2
Answer: Indirect characterization is when a characters actions, words, thoughts, etc. portray their personality, rather than the author telling the reader.

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I hope this helps, Regards.


C) My parents felt slighted by your parent’s extravagant visions, ashamed of the modest home we owned.


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Yeah, D is the correct answer got 100% on my practice

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Yes IO agree definetly a squire



Answer:    [A]:   True.

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Oxen is answer! Hero and hippopotamus arr single not plural oxen is plural!